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Hi guys,

I have recently been thinking of transferring my game play time from BF3 to Arma, the main reason is that it seems to me to be a much more realistic game (and as an Army veteran that is what I am looking for).

As EA have disappointed me over and over again, I have come to realize the fact that I need to transfer to a better game then BF (don't get me wrong, I love FPS games, AA was great and BF is good, it's EA that is the problem).

now I am not saying I am a super player, far from it, but team work is what I am really looking for in a FPS multiplayer game, and this is where my question to you guys comes in:

I really don't want to buy another BF game where everyone runs around solo, I am looking for the teamwork in the game.

I have seen the videos on YouTube and they look great, but is the game REALLY like this? is team work in the game like on YouTube?

If not, I would just rather get BF4 when it comes out.

Thanks for your input,


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Hello DeltaSF,

You will have a great time in the ArmaVerse! Arma isn't for everyone however, as there is a steep learning curve. Once you get over that, there are NO limits with Arma, unlike with the BF series.

Oh and this will prolly be close as mods don't allow 'hello' threads.

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Hello DeltaSF and welcome to the forums! :)

All the stuff you see on youtube is regular, normal Arma gameplay. Especially if you found a community or group to play with, the teamwork in Arma is unmatched and often the only way to succeed. I suggest you to take a look at the squad section here, there's a high chance you'll find likeminded people to play with.

Though as Kremator said, we unfortunately don't allow individual introductory threads so I'll have to close this one.

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