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Setting a kill/point limit?

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Any easy way to set a simple kills limit which makes game end once reached?

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let me try... :)


enableSaving [false, false];

sGameOver = nil;

pLimitScore = 30;
pLimitTime = 600;

if (isServer) then
 #include "initServer.sqf"

if (!isDedicated) then
 #include "initClient.sqf"


if (isServer) then
 if (pLimitScore > 0 || pLimitTime > 0) then
   _sLimitScript = [pLimitScore, pLimitTime] execVM "Server\_server.sqf";


if (!isDedicated) then
 #include "Client\functions.sqf"

 cTaskMain = nil;

 if (!isServer) then
   "sGameOver" addPublicVariableEventHandler { call SetMissionEnd; };

 waitUntil { !isNull player };

 ["objMarkerMain"] spawn SetMissionTask;


if (!isDedicated) then
 SetMissionEnd =
   if (!isNil "sGameOver") then
     if (!isNull player) then
       _taskState = "Failed";
       _victory = false;

       if (side player == east and sGameOver == "END1") then
         _taskState = "Succeeded";
         _victory = true;

       if (side player == west and sGameOver == "END2") then
         _taskState = "Succeeded";
         _victory = true;

       if (!isNil "cTaskMain") then
         cTaskMain setTaskState _taskState;

       [sGameOver, _victory, 2] call BIS_fnc_endMission;
       endMission sGameOver;

 SetMissionTask =
   if (!isNull player && isNil "cTaskMain") then
     _taskMarker = _this select 0;

     if (!isNil "_taskMarker") then
       cTaskMain = player createSimpleTask ["objMainTask"];
       cTaskMain setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos _taskMarker);
       cTaskMain setSimpleTaskDescription [Localize "MissionTaskDescription", Localize "MissionTaskTitle", Localize "MissionTaskWaypoint"];
       player setCurrentTask cTaskMain;


if (isServer) then
 _end = nil;

 _limitScore = _this select 0;
 _limitTime = (_this select 1) - 2;

 _processScore = false;
 _processTime = false;

 if (!isNil "_limitScore" && !isNil "_limitTime") then
   if (_limitScore > 0) then
     _processScore = true;

   if (_limitTime > 0) then
     _processTime = true;

   while { isNil "_end" } do
     _scoreEast = scoreSide east;
     _scoreWest = scoreSide west;

     if (_processScore) then
       if (_scoreEast >= _limitScore || _scoreWest >= _limitScore) then
         if (_scoreEast > _scoreWest) then
           _end = "END1";

         if (_scoreEast < _scoreWest) then
           _end = "END2";

     if (_processTime) then
       _timeLeft = _limitTime - time;

       if (_timeLeft <= 0) then
         if (_scoreEast > _scoreWest) then
           _end = "END1";

         if (_scoreEast < _scoreWest) then
           _end = "END2";

         if (_scoreEast == _scoreWest) then
           _end = "END3";

     if (!isNil "_end") then
       sGameOver = _end;
       publicVariable "sGameOver";

       if (!isDedicated && !isNil "SetMissionEnd") then
         call SetMissionEnd;
         endMission _end;
       sleep 2;


debriefing = 1;

class CfgDebriefing
 class End1
   title = "end1 title";
   subtitle = "end1 subtitle";
   description = "end1 description";
   picture = "b_inf";
   pictureColor[] = {0.0,0.3,0.6,1};
 class End2: End1
   title = "end2 title";
   description = "end2 description";
 class End3: End1
   title = "end3 title";
   description = "end3 description";

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Is this for single player or multiplayer? I have just implemented this into my multiplayer mission and only I am seeing the win condition title and picture stuff, no one else sees anything. Not sure what im doing wrong

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Is this for single player or multiplayer? I have just implemented this into my multiplayer mission and only I am seeing the win condition title and picture stuff, no one else sees anything. Not sure what im doing wrong

it was for MP and it worked...

anyway i already made better method but i have to finish it... i will post it later... today..

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Limit Score & Time

function LW_fnc_teamDeathmatch_serverLimitScoreAndTime takes 4 arguments.... [score limit, time limit, overtime, check delay]

time limit is in seconds

overtime is in seconds too, mission is extended for overtime if the end is draw...

check delay between 0.5 and 5, default 2

if u want execute some function on the end use LW_event_teamDeathmatch_server_MissionEnd

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Cool going to check this out now for my TDM map, cool for releasing

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Limit Score & Time

function LW_fnc_teamDeathmatch_serverLimitScoreAndTime takes 4 arguments.... [score limit, time limit, overtime, check delay]

time limit is in seconds

overtime is in seconds too, mission is extended for overtime if the end is draw...

check delay between 0.5 and 5, default 2

if u want execute some function on the end use LW_event_teamDeathmatch_server_MissionEnd

hello, I tried to follow the link posted does not work ... you can restore the file? I was also interested in the scores.

hello and thanks

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