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Visitor 3 error

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That's not an object you can place. It's part of the core files. You probably don't have your p drive set up properly. When working with visitor 3 for arma 3 you need the a3 bin and core pbos extracted in the p directory.

Did you run arma3p?

It's very advisable to have an a2 p drive and an a3 p drive

This way your p drive doesn't get to cluttered or confusing.

Then when using visitor 3 for arma 2 or 3 all you need to do is which the viewer(buldozer) to use either buldozer.exe for a2 or arma3.exe for arma 3.

Check this:


Edited by M1lkm8n

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That's not an object you can place. It's part of the core files. You probably don't have your p drive set up properly. When working with visitor 3 for arma 3 you need the a3 bin and core pbos extracted in the p directory.

Did you run arma3p?

It's very advisable to have an a2 p drive and an a3 p drive

This way your p drive doesn't get to cluttered or confusing.

Then when using visitor 3 for arma 2 or 3 all you need to do is which the viewer(buldozer) to use either buldozer.exe for a2 or arma3.exe for arma 3.

Check this:


I've already extracted the pbo's in P folder inside a3 folder.

it's look like this:

http://upng.co.il/uploads/77e55a0a8627b6a483ccd91583279eaa.png (339 kB)

also, the "bin" and the "core" pbo's are extracted in P root folder...

It's just don't want to get open.

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Did you change the viewer in visitor to arma3.exe and is that in your p drive as well.


Also you'll need to convert all the png files in your layers folder to paa files manually.

Read the third post down in that link above

all the files are in, the buldozer set to arma3.exe and all the things should work..

but i still getting this error.

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I'm not sure if you figured this out yet but you also need the extracted a3 folder with all the pbos inside your arma3 directory as well

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