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Respawn in jet

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I need a little help with the last part of my mission.

I'm making a dogfighting mission, I give my jets custom loadouts etc so I make them respawn when they die in stead of creating a new vehicle, now my question is how can I get the pilot back in the jet after he respawned? In the start I just use this:

pilotop moveInDriver harrierop;

Wherein pilotop is the opfor pilot, and harrierop is the opfor harrier. Same goes for the blufor pilot and harrier except op is replaced by blu. However, I have no clue how I can use this code upon respawn.

For if anyone is interested, the vehicle respawn script I used is to be found here:


It sais the names for the vehicles are kept so that should not be the problem.

Can anyone help me?

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you need two files description.ext and getin.sqf

in description.ext put

respawn = 3;

respawnVehicleDelay = 3;

respawnDelay = 4;

in getin.sqf put

waitUntil {alive player};

pilotop moveInDriver harrierop;

put on the map marker called respawn_vehicle_west

put on the map empty plane with name harrierop in its init put harrierop respawnVehicle [3];

put pilot with name pilotop and in its init put pilotop moveInDriver harrierop;

put trigger with no radious and in its condition put !(alive pilotop) and in its on atc put nul = [] execVM "getin.sqf";

Thats it :)

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Now I do get back into the plane, but it doesn't keep the loadout and starting position (aka everything that was located in the init field). How do I fix this?

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Try put evrerything that was located in the init field of a plane in getin.sqf

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Tried that but it didnt apply any of the init field things. What I noticed as well is that the plane spawned in another one, like there were 2 there at the same time, when I booted the one up I was in it exploded and a few more spawned in one of them I was.

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