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Trigger trouble

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i want to get a trigger to become active after a certin time eg it doesnt do anything until say 5 minutes and when the time is up the trigger is active and checks if condition of the is true or false. mabyucan use the countdown or timeout feature i cant get that to work,if it can be done that way tell me how? thanks in advance

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there is a timer in trigger :

select countdown or time out and fill the 3 field Min,Max and Middle with yours values (in second)

but, this timer is activated if the condition is TRUE.

If you want check this condition after a delay, split your test in 2 parts( 2 triggers , the first start the timer and the second for check the condition )

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yea, or in the condition field of one marker just put </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">DayTime > 9.083 && <OTHER CONDITION><span id='postcolor'>

<OTHER CONDITION> is your second custom condition u want to check for.

This will only start getting past the DayTime condition at 09wow.gif5 that day.

You can play around and compare the DayTIme to a pre saved variable insted. smile.gif

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brilliant works perfectly didnt know it was in seconds before

there is a timer in trigger :

select countdown or time out and fill the 3 field Min,Max and Middle with yours values (in second)

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