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Re Configing Flashlights

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Have been looking through the Six Config browser, and iam trying to see if there is a way to convert the stranded acc flashlight that is in the game. To a IR type flashlight.

Here is the IR pointer. http://browser.six-projects.net/cfg_weapons/acc_pointer_IR/config?version=69

class acc_pointer_IR: ItemCore {
descriptionshort = "Emits light visible in the image intensification mode (night vision).";
descriptionuse = "<t color='#9cf953'>Use: </t>Turn IR Laser ON/OFF";
displayname = "IR Laser Pointer";
model = "\A3\weapons_f\acc\accv_pointer_F";
picture = "\A3\weapons_F\Data\UI\gear_accv_pointer_CA.paa";
scope = 2;
class ItemInfo: InventoryFlashLightItem_Base_F {
mass = 8;
class Pointer {
irdistance = 5;
irlaserend = "laser dir";
irlaserpos = "laser pos";
rmbhint = "Laser Pointer";
class FlashLight {

And here is the Flash light. http://browser.six-projects.net/cfg_weapons/acc_flashlight/config?version=69

class acc_flashlight: ItemCore {
descriptionshort = "Weapon mounted light.";
descriptionuse = "<t color='#9cf953'>Use: </t>Turn Flashlight ON/OFF";
displayname = "Flashlight";
model = "\A3\weapons_f\acc\accv_Flashlight_F";
picture = "\A3\weapons_F\Data\UI\gear_accv_flashlight_CA.paa";
scope = 2;
class ItemInfo: InventoryFlashLightItem_Base_F {
rmbhint = "Flashlight";
class FlashLight {
ambient[] = {0.001, 0.001, 0.001};
color[] = {1, 0.9, 0.8};
conefadecoef = 10;
daylight = 0;
direction = "flash";
flaresize = 0.35;
innerangle = 50;
intensity = 100;
outerangle = 120;
position = "flash dir";
scale[] = {0};
size = 1;
useflare = 1;
class Attenuation {
constant = 2;
linear = 1;
quadratic = 75;
start = 0;

hopefully some one can help me out here.

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i am yearning for a better documentation about lights and lightingstuff too, good luck with this, looks intressting!

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thanks, But the way things are looking, I might just have to start making my own Mods Iam just no that good with scripting.

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Wow this is realy sad guys, There are tons of moders out there and no one can take the time to chime in and help me get my barings.

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