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Denoir censor!

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I am a paying customer. This is a BIS official forum right?

Where do you get off locking a topic that seems a valid complaint?

BIS got my money, now I got somethin to say. If you dont like it fix it. Dont try to sweep it away!

The only thing you get when you moderate things you disagree with is angry customers!

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Why? So the public doesnt find out? I want to see this dealt with in public. Not ignored in PM!

I have noticed many complaints about resistance get hidden deleted or locked. WHY?

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For one it wont be ingnored in a PM. Lots of people are having problems with Resistance. Im sorry it isnt working out very well. But see theres nothing the mods can do about it. Neither can the public really. Youll just have to wait for BIS to bring out updates. Yes waiting, something everyone hates, but remeber good things come to those who wait and have patience. So theres no point in putting up flames/complaints about it. Look this will be closed either way. I suggest we drop this here and now. And why will it be closed? 2 words. Limited Bandwith. Also if you have some bugs youve seen report it to the Resistance Bug thread. In the Resistance section.

Im not the enemey. Im just trying to give out a point.

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1) You were discussing how to reach each other on ICQ, which is not a valid OFP multiplayer topic

2) There are several already open threads on the subject. For instance

3) You were flaming

+ this thread doesn't make this better. We have repeated over and over again that any problems with moderator decisions should be handled by sending a PM to the moderator in question. You have been around long enough to know this + Jester told you.

Obviously you are angry, so I'm going to give you 24h away from the forums to cool down.

Closing smile.gif

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