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Ofpr multi play

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I hate it. Cant get 1 good game out of it!

it is obvious to me, that people will get pissed on and told that it is raining, and believe it!

WTF make a bug free game, without charging me money for the same game twice?

And the resistance improvements are not improvements as far as I can tell really.

I cant even get on stoners (where I have played problem free for months on 1.46) cause Resistance friggen sockets will not hold the damn server connection. The server name keeps disapearing, and reappearing in my server list. When I click it I get no response.

Next the EAX is screwed up beyond all recognition. Althou the sounds are more realistic sounding, I guess my player is going deaf cause I cant hear footsteps like I used to.

Cant even alt tab out to save the maps from the temp folder without crashing!

And worst part of it all is that you never fixed the first OFP completly!


BIS!!!!!!! I want a refund!


OK I am counting to to 10 calming down...........

Resistance gets 1 more chance to work right or it will forever be branded a ripoff in my book. And no goddamn it, I am not reinstalling, or doing anything to my system. 1.46 still works fine so if this doesnt work, strait from the disk, and first install, than it was wrong to sell it as a finished product.


amd xp 1800+

512mb DDR

Gforce 3 64mb

abit kr7 MB

soundblaster audigy

windows 98SE

Games that work with no defects.

MS flight sim 2002, 200, 98

MScombat flight sim 2

Delta Force (all of them)

Ghost Recon

Max Payne

Janes F18

games that have minor issues

OFP v1.46

Games that flat out cant stop screwing up:


Am I wrong for being angry?

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I bet it does too, since I am a PAYING customer who is not satisfied with this product!

As far as ICQing you. WTF are you?

First of all I never got any ICQ from you secondly my answering an ICQ is not an obligation. WTF do I owe you money or something that I need to snap to and reply?

I mean thanks for the support brother!

Semper fi fuck the other guy huh?

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I'm Harnu the one who keeps sending you ICQ's.  You are SGT KAMAI USMC on ICQ are you not?  I keep trying to get tryout info from you.

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Shit Hard Corps you got me at a bad time. This really has me pissed off since every good server is running 1.75, and I cant, play with the usual groups I played with.

i am gonna turn on ICQ now.

Whats your ICQ#?

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Ya, sure theres a lot of bugs.  But I still like the game.  And I'm ICQ'ing you as i'm typing this.

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ICQ is 159726824

And I just deleted U off my list. Give me your ICQ # too so i can re-add you.

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Flaming = Bad

+ this type of conversation should be handled by PM's. Do you really think that it is of common interest of who is sending ICQ messages to who?

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