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How to set Helicopter Controls with Joystick?

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First off I have a Saitek Cyborg Evo. Secondly I am wondering what some good options for setting my joystick to work with the Helicopter controls. Usually mine turn the helicopter way to fast and then I crash, or it is just too fast to aim, and so on... I would just like a really good setup for those joystick users out there for ARMA 3 only, not ARMA 2. Coming from someone who flew in Battlefield, ARMA 3 is a change, but I want to get used to with a good joystick set up on this game.


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I use the Logitech Extreme 3D Pro and these are my settings:


Note that setting collective *analogue* on the joystick throttle, means that you can set a certain amount of collective (lift) and it then stays there. If you use the other collective (raise/lower) it will drop off and you will constantly have to work the throttle up to maintain lift.

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