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PvP, Mp ideas

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Navy seals vs somali

Sas vs fanatics in the embassy

take any of these situations and apply them to the following

TvT somali pirates vs navy seals boarding a transport vessel and holding it. Each team starts the same distance away, and has to approach the boat, board and hold it for a period of time, or guard the precious cargo while the other team assaults and tries to re take it. Same can be done for Oil rigs? Sounds brilliant!

Do we have a boats with rooms and cargo bays, do we have oil rigs? I don't know, i cant make them i just play the game, just thought id pass the idea on to you guys and see what you though?

I usually have some good ideas, Ive passed a few of them on before and they've become popular for small clam matches, I'll update if i think of any others, contribute if you like!

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