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missile turret Cfg help

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Im building an addon and Ive nearly finished it. However, Ive been able to get the turret to work fine with guns, but the moment I change it to fire a missile it does not work. how do I define the memory points for a missile?

heres my turret cfg:

class Turrets: Turrets
		class MainTurret: NewTurret
			gunnername = "P-FCO";
			memorypointsgetingunner = "pos gunner";
			memorypointsgetingunnerdir = "pos gunner dir";
			weapons[] = {"AMC25"};
			magazines[] = {"3000Rnd_25_API"};
			soundServo[] = {"\ac_130X\sounds\turret",1,0.9};
			minElev = -30;
			maxElev = 10;
			minturn = 60;
			maxturn = 120;
			initturn = 90;
			gunnerOpticsModel = "\ac_130X\optics\105_optics";
			memorypointgun = "cannon";
			memorypointgunneroptics = "gunnerview_1";
			animationsourcebody = "mainturret";
			animationsourcegun = "maingun";
			gun = "105_vertical";
			body = "105_horizontal";
			gunend = "gun_chamber";
			gunbeg = "gun_muzzle";	
			ingunnermayfire = true;
			outgunnermayfire = true;
			primarygunner = true;
			proxytype = "CPGunner";
			proxyindex = 1;
			showgunneroptics = true;
			startengine = false;

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Define before the Class Turrets;

	memoryPointMissile[] = {"spice rakety","usti hlavne"};
	memoryPointMissileDir[] = {"konec rakety","konec hlavne"};


	memoryPointMissile[] = {"spice rakety L","spice rakety P"};
	memoryPointMissileDir[] = {"konec rakety L","konec rakety P"};


	memoryPointMissile[] = {"rocket_begin",""};
	memoryPointMissileDir[] = {"rocket_end",""};

Which ever point you decide to use then have to be inside the MEMORY LOD.

And double-defined so they rotate/move with the turret.

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tried it and it didnt work. I used the the already defined and double defined "gun_muzzle" and "gun_chamber" points, but the missiles still just fired from the center of the vehicle.

do the rocket points need to be different from the gunend = "gun_chamber"; gunbeg = "gun_muzzle"; points?

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im using BIS TOW missiles to test with if that makes a difference

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