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flashbang config and script execution

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Thanks to Messiah and Thromp I have a config file which allows me to throw my flashbang (see this: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?153858-Custom-Grenade-config). Now I am trying to execute my flashbang.sqf script when the grenade explode.

What I tried so far is create some new particle effects for the explosion and I created as well a dummy particle effect which allows me to launch my script (you can execute a script from the particlearray https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ParticleArray).

The advantage of this is that I should be able to launch the script directly when the grenade explode and get its position (_this select 0 will be the particle source position), which is useful in the script.

The issue I have is to launch the script at the right time (when the grenade explode) and only once.

Full config:

class CfgPatches
class SUP_flash  
	units[] = {};
	weapons[] = {"SUP_flash_throw"};
	requiredAddons[] = { "A3_characters_F", "A3_Data_F"};	

class CfgCloudlets
class Default;
class SUP_flashExp: Default
	circleVelocity[] = {0,0,0};
	moveVelocity[] = {0,0,0};
	size[] = {"4 + 4 * intensity","6 + 4 * intensity"};
	color[] = {
		{ 0.45,1,0.83,0 },
		{ 0.45,1,0.25,0.03 },
		{ 0.45,1,0.25,0.03 },
		{ 0.45,1,0.25,0.03 },
		{ 0.45,1,0.83,0 }};
	animationSpeed[] = {1000};
	positionVar[] = {"3 * intensity","1.2 * intensity","3 * intensity"};
	MoveVelocityVar[] = {1.75,1.75,1.75};
	colorVar[] = {0,0,0,0.02};
	interval = "0.007 * interval + 0.007";
	circleRadius = "intensity";
	particleShape = "\A3\data_f\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal";
	particleFSNtieth = 16;
	particleFSIndex = 13;
	particleFSFrameCount = 2;
	particleFSLoop = 0;
	angleVar = 1;
	animationName = "";
	particleType = "Billboard";
	timerPeriod = 1.5;
	lifeTime = "25 + 20 * intensity";
	rotationVelocity = 0;
	weight = 4;
	volume = 1;
	rubbing = 0;
	randomDirectionPeriod = 0.01;
	randomDirectionIntensity = 0.08;
	onTimerScript = ""; //put script here
	beforeDestroyScript = "";
	lifeTimeVar = 0.2;
	rotationVelocityVar = 1;
	sizeVar = 2;
	randomDirectionPeriodVar = 2;
	randomDirectionIntensityVar = 0.1;
class SUP_flashExp2: Default
	circleVelocity[] = {0,0,0};
	moveVelocity[] = {0,0,0};
	size[] = {"4 + 4 * intensity","6 + 4 * intensity"};
	color[] = {
		{ 0.45,1,0.83,0 },
		{ 0.45,1,0.25,0.03 },
		{ 0.45,1,0.25,0.03 },
		{ 0.45,1,0.25,0.03 },
		{ 0.45,1,0.83,0 }};
	animationSpeed[] = {1000};
	positionVar[] = {"3 * intensity","1.2 * intensity","3 * intensity"};
	MoveVelocityVar[] = {1.75,1.75,1.75};
	colorVar[] = {0,0,0,0.02};
	interval = 1;
	circleRadius = "intensity";
	particleShape = "\A3\data_f\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal";
	particleFSNtieth = 16;
	particleFSIndex = 13;
	particleFSFrameCount = 2;
	particleFSLoop = 0;
	angleVar = 1;
	animationName = "";
	particleType = "Billboard";
	timerPeriod = 0.01;
	lifeTime = 1;
	rotationVelocity = 0;
	weight = 4;
	volume = 1;
	rubbing = 0;
	randomDirectionPeriod = 0.01;
	randomDirectionIntensity = 0.08;
	onTimerScript = "\SUP_flash\scripts\flashbang.sqf"; //put script here
	beforeDestroyScript = "";
	lifeTimeVar = 0.2;
	rotationVelocityVar = 1;
	sizeVar = 2;
	randomDirectionPeriodVar = 2;
	randomDirectionIntensityVar = 0.1;
class SUP_flashSmoke: Default
	circleVelocity[] = {0,0,0};
	moveVelocity[] = {0,1,0};
	size[] = {"1.013 * intensity + 3","1.0125 * intensity + 5","1.013 * intensity + 7","2.013 * intensity + 10"};
	color[] = {
		{ 0.9,1,0.83,0.2 },
		{ 0.9,1,0.83,0.6 },
		{ 0.9,1,0.83,0.2 },
		{ 0.9,1,0.83,0 }};
	animationSpeed[] = {0.2};
	positionVar[] = {1.2,0.6,1.2};
	MoveVelocityVar[] = {3,1.5,3};
	colorVar[] = {0,0,0,0.1};
	interval = "0.014 * interval + 0.014";
	circleRadius = 0;
	particleShape = "\A3\data_f\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal";
	particleFSNtieth = 16;
	particleFSIndex = 12;
	particleFSFrameCount = 8;
	particleFSLoop = 0;
	angleVar = 1;
	animationName = "";
	particleType = "Billboard";
	timerPeriod = 1;
	lifeTime = "5 * intensity";
	rotationVelocity = 0;
	weight = 0.053;
	volume = 0.04;
	rubbing = 0.15;
	randomDirectionPeriod = 0.2;
	randomDirectionIntensity = 0.2;
	onTimerScript = "";
	beforeDestroyScript = "";
	lifeTimeVar = 2;
	rotationVelocityVar = 5;
	sizeVar = 0.4;
	randomDirectionPeriodVar = 0.5;
	randomDirectionIntensityVar = 0.02;
class CfgLights
class SUP_flashLight
	color[] = {10,10,9.37};
	ambient[] = {0.35,0.35,0.35};
	brightness = 1;
	diffuse[] = {0,0,0};
	position[] = {0,0,0};

class SUP_flashExplosion
class Light1
	position[] = {0,0,0};
	simulation = "light";
	type = "SUP_flashLight";
	intensity = 1;
	interval = 1;
	lifeTime = 1;
class GrenadeExp1
	position[] = {0,0,0};
	simulation = "particles";
	type = "SUP_flashExp";
	intensity = 0.5;
	interval = 1;
	lifeTime = 1;
class GrenadeExp2
	position[] = {0,0,0};
	simulation = "particles";
	type = "SUP_flashExp2";
	intensity = 0.5;
	interval = 0.01;
	lifeTime = 0.015;
class GrenadeSmoke1
	position[] = {0,0,0};
	simulation = "particles";
	type = "SUP_flashExp"; //SUP_flashSmoke
	intensity = 0.5;
	interval = 1;
	lifeTime = 1;
class CfgAmmo 
class Default;	// External class reference
class Grenade : Default {};
class GrenadeHand : Grenade {};
class SUP_flash_ammo  : GrenadeHand 
	scope = 1;
	hit = 0.001;
	indirectHit = 0.001;
	indirectHitRange = 0.01;
	model = "\A3\Weapons_f\ammo\smokegrenade_white"; //  mettre ça plus tard  \SUP_flash\flash.p3d
	visibleFire = 0.5;
	audibleFire = 0.05;
	visibleFireTime = 1;
	fuseDistance = 5;
	ExplosionEffects = "SUP_flashExplosion";

class cfgMagazines
class Default;	// External class reference
class CA_Magazine : Default {};
class HandGrenade : CA_Magazine {};
class SUP_flash :  HandGrenade
    model = "\A3\Weapons_f\ammo\smokegrenade_white";   //  mettre ça plus tard  \SUP_flash\flash.p3d
	displayName = "flashbang";
	picture = "\SUP_flash\flash.paa";
	displayNameShort = "flash";
	ammo = "SUP_flash_ammo";

class CfgWeapons 
class Default;
class GrenadeLauncher : Default {};
class Throw : GrenadeLauncher {};
class SUP_Flash_Throw : Throw 
	displayname = "Throw";
	muzzles[] = {"SUP_Flash_Muzzle"};
	class  ThrowMuzzle: GrenadeLauncher
		aidispersioncoefx = 6;
		aidispersioncoefy = 6;
		autoreload = 1;
		cursor = "EmptyCursor";
		cursoraim = "throw";
		enableattack = 0;
		keepininventory = 1;
		magazinereloadtime = 0;
		maxrange = 60;
		maxrangeprobab = 0.03;
		midrange = 45;
		midrangeprobab = 0.9;
		minrange = 10;
		minrangeprobab = 0.2;
		modeloptics = "";
		reloadsound[] = {"", 0.000316228, 1};
		reloadtime = 0;
		showempty = 0;
		sound[] = {"", 0.000316228, 1};


	class SUP_FLash_Muzzle: ThrowMuzzle
		magazines[] = {"SUP_Flash"};

class cfgvehicles
class B_Soldier_base_F;
class my_throwing_soldier: B_Soldier_base_F
	_generalMacro = "my_throwing_soldier";
	scope = 2;
	displayName = "Flash Grenadier";
	weapons[] = {"arifle_MX_GL_ACO_point_F","hgun_P07_F","SUP_Flash_Throw","Put","Binocular"};
	respawnWeapons[] = {"arifle_MX_GL_ACO_point_F","hgun_P07_F","SUP_Flash_Throw","Put","Binocular"};
	magazines[] = {"30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag","16Rnd_9x21_Mag","16Rnd_9x21_Mag","SUP_flash","SUP_flash","SUP_flash"};
	respawnMagazines[] = {"30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag","16Rnd_9x21_Mag","16Rnd_9x21_Mag","SUP_flash","SUP_flash","SUP_flash","SUP_flash"};
	cost = 60000;
	threat[] = {1,0.3,0.1};
	linkedItems[] = {"V_PlateCarrierGL_rgr","H_HelmetB_paint","NVGoggles","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"};
	respawnLinkedItems[] = {"V_PlateCarrierGL_rgr","H_HelmetB_paint","NVGoggles","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"};

To simplify the discussion: here is a simplified version of the code with only the part that's bothering me:

class CfgCloudlets
class Default;
class SUP_flashExp2: Default // My dummy particle effect class

	interval = 1; // interval between two particle emission ?
	timerPeriod = 0.01; // interval between two execution of the script?
	lifeTime = 0.001; // particle lifetime?
	onTimerScript = "\SUP_flash\scripts\flashbang.sqf"; //script executed every timerperiod?
	beforeDestroyScript = "";
	lifeTimeVar = 0.2; //???

class SUP_flashExplosion //my flashbag explosion class
class GrenadeExp2 //part of the explosion which uses the dummy particle effect
	position[] = {0,0,0};
	simulation = "particles";
	type = "SUP_flashExp2";
	intensity = 0.5;
	interval = 0.01; //???
	lifeTime = 0.015; //time before the source is destroyed?


If the comments in the code were right, it should work, because there would be no time to execute the script twice and the script should be executed quickly after the explosion effect is called (0.01 second).

But it doesn't work and it acts randomly (sometimes the script is not activated, sometimes it is but like 5 or 10 times instead of once).

Any help on how to read those "time" numbers or on how to launch a script differently (this method is a bit fishy :) ) would be much appreciated.

From one of Thromp's comments, I understand that I could modify alternatively the muzzle effect, which is perhaps a simpler idea. I'll look into that if this fails.

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If you can figure this out will you be releasing it to the public?

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Sure, but I'll test it a bit with my clan first.

edit: It's more or less working now. I don't really now how I fixed it though :eek: and the script is still not exactly executed when the grenade explode.

I would still welcome a better idea :rolleyes:

Edited by super-truite

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