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driver check script

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Hello everyone,

with some help from others I have made my first fully functioning vehicle driver checker thingy..

this is used to check for a vehicle driver and eject them if they do not meet the requirements of the parameters in the script.


-check driver against a set unit class

-apply ranks requirements

Coming soon (hopefully)

-multiple unit classes

-custom vehicle entry messages

Here is the link to download the script: https://www.dropbox.com/s/et8mwrxy0ejwyak/fn_vehicleDriver.rar

if you cannot or do not wish to download, i have posted the script below:

// Function file for Armed Assault
// Created by: Adam Bullock - SOF
// Path = "f\fn_vehicleDriver.sqf";

//Thankyou for downloading my vehicle driver checker script thingy...
//I hope this is as useful to you as it is to me
//How to use the script
//To use the script you need to save a mission file. then you need to
//find the mission file directory e.g. MyDocuments\Arma3Alpha\missions
//place this file into the mission you have just saved. Once that is
//done load up the Arma 3 Alpha mission editor. Place an empty vehicle
//on the map. then into its init field type the following
//_nul = [] execVM "fn_vehicleDriver.sqf"  This will launch the script.
//in the [] you need to put your parameters, look below on how to do this
//the first parameter is the vehicle name. Therefore you can type
//[this] if the unit the script id for, is the unit that you are calling
//the script from, however, I recommend typing in the units name
//e.g. [Heli_1]
//the second parameter is the unit type available to drive the vehicle
//you find this out from the config viewer e.g. [Heli_1, "B_Helipilot_f"]
//finally to assign a minimum rank you need to type in the rank that a player
//will be allowed to drive the vehicle at. The list is below

_veh = _this select 0;
_driverType = _this select 1;
_minRank = _this select 2;//has to be 
_rank = 0;
_driverrankNum = 0;
_driverPresent = 0;
_timer = 1;
//checks for driver type and if none input, selects default
if (_driverType == "") then 
_vehType = typeof _veh;
switch _vehType do
	//this is where you add new vehicles
	//this format
	//case "//vehicle class name//" :
	//	_driverType = "//unit type that can be driver//";

	case "B_AH9_F" :
		_driverType = "B_Helipilot_F";
	case "B_MH9_F" :
		_driverType = "B_Helipilot_F";
else {_driverType = _this select 1;};

//checks rank
if (_minRank == "") then {_minRank = "PVT";} else {_minRank = _minRank};

//assigns rank number

switch _minRank do
case "PRIVATE" : {_rank = 0;};	
case "CORPORAL" : {_rank = 1;};
case "SERGEANT" : {_rank = 2;};
case "LIEUTENANT" : {_rank = 3;};
case "CAPTAIN" : {_rank = 4;};
case "MAJOR" : {_rank = 5;};
case "COLONEL" : {_rank = 6;};

while {alive _veh} do
	_driverVeh = driver _veh;//vehicle driver
	if (isNull _driverVeh) then {_driverPresent = 0; _timer = 1;}
		_driverClass = typeOf _driverVeh;
		_driverPresent = 1;
		if (_driverClass != _driverType) then
			moveOut _driverVeh;
			_driverRank = rank _driverVeh;
			switch (_driverRank) do
				case "PRIVATE" : {_driverRankNum = 0;};
				case "CORPORAL" : {_driverRankNum = 1;};
				case "SERGEANT" : {_driverRankNum = 2;};
				case "LIEUTENANT" : {_driverRankNum = 3;};
				case "CAPTAIN" : {_driverRankNum = 4;};
				case "MAJOR" : {_driverRankNum = 5;};
				case "COLONEL" : {_driverRankNum = 6;};
			//hint format ["%1\n\n%2", _driverRankNum,_rank];
			if (_driverRankNum < _rank) then
				moveOut _driverVeh;
				if (_driverPresent == 1) then

					switch _vehType do
						case "B_AH9_F" : {_txt = "Welcome to the AH-9 Littbird Attack Chopper";};
						case "B_MH9_F" : {_txt = "Welcome to the MH-9 Littbird Transport Chopper";};

					while {_timer >= 0} do
						titleCut ["WELCOME", "PLAIN"];
						sleep 4;
						_timer = _timer - 1;
						titleCut ["", "PLAIN FADED"];

	sleep 0.3;
} forEach _driverType;

Edited by BullyBoii

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You have to understand how isNil works. It simply checks if the variable was or wasn't defined. In your script you define both variables

_driverType = _this select 1;

_minRank = _this select 2;

which you test if their values are undefined or not later. If you do not pass second and third parameter to the script ( _this select 1 _this select 2) you will get error. if your script has no errors means these 2 variables are always defined.

isNil _driverType will check if the value of _driverType is undefined variable for example, and since you pass on a class or "" it will always be true unless there is a variable with the same name as class and is defined.

Since they are strings you want to check them if they are empty or not instead

if (_driverType == "")... or if (_driverType != "")

if (_minRank == "") ...or if (_minRank != "")

isNil will only be true is the variable you test is nil

myvar = nil;

if (isNil "myvar") //true

Edited by Killzone_Kid

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You have to understand how isNil works. It simply checks if the variable was or wasn't defined. In your script you define both variables

_driverType = _this select 1;

_minRank = _this select 2;

which you test if their values are undefined or not later. If you do not pass second and third parameter to the script ( _this select 1 _this select 2) you will get error. if your script has no errors means these 2 variables are always defined.

isNil _driverType will check if the value of _driverType is undefined variable for example, and since you pass on a class or "" it will always be true unless there is a variable with the same name as class and is defined.

Since they are strings you want to check them if they are empty or not instead

if (_driverType == "")... or if (_driverType != "")

if (_minRank == "") ...or if (_minRank != "")

isNil will only be true is the variable you test is nil

myvar = nil;

if (isNil "myvar") //true

ah right, cheers mate.

yeh i thought isnil would return return a boolean value of true in no driver was selected

thanks for the help, ill edit this post once i have tested it

---------- Post added at 03:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:51 PM ----------

**BUMP**, reason new script download available. **I didnt want to start a new thread**

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