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Arma crashes on launch after windows blue screen crash during play

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My arma has been running fine since the first day it came out but two days ago windows crashed to blue screen while arma was still running in the background.

Since then arma crashes on launch every time. It goes to the BI loading screen and i get a notification from windows that the program stopped working.

I have reinstalled nvidea drivers (3.10 version) and also installed the latest. I have also reinstalled DirectX from the setup that comes with arma.

Reinstalled arma completely, didnt work. Tried with -nobenchmark and still nothing.

I guess its a problem with my windows install and not my arma, but i'm hoping someone here can help me out anyway.

Tried booting with windows disc but the repair option doesn't work.

I'm scared the only solution is a complete reinstall of windows but i would like to aviod this if possible.

Thanks in advance.

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Have you tried after removing your profile and gamesettings file (located in c:\Users\{userid}\Documents\Arma 3 Alpha\)?

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