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Make unit enter vehicle of any type

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At present I have a script for loading prisoners into vehicles. Problem is I can only make them load into Land OR Air OR Ship but not all of them. The script is as follows:

This is for loading them onto planes and helicopters:

_thisunit = _this select 0;
_veh = nearestObject [_thisunit, "Air"];

if ((_thisunit distance _veh) < 10) then {

	detach _thisunit;

	["Getin", [_thisunit, _veh]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent;


I can use either "LandVehicle", "Air" or "Ship" with nearestObject, but I need a way to use all three (so the prisoner gets into the nearest vehicle of ANY type). I tried "AllVehicles" but since people are technically vehicles _veh becomes the unit being manipulated. Anyone know how?

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Cheers man. Haven't had the chance to try it out yet but it seems to be on the money. I take it you simply use "select #" to work through the array?

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_array select 0, but make sure you check it is not []

if (count _array > 0)

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