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Fire From the Sky - tactical coop 8p

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Fire From the Sky

I won't tell you much about the mission since I don't want to spoil it. All I can say is, it is a night mission, you're behind enemy lines and you just want to get the fuck out there. (think Black Hawk Down).


Last night EUCOM lost contact with Special Operations group Task Force Black. OPSAT located Delta in an abandoned Factory building in the middle of the island. MH-9 Littlebird EVAC is approaching to get Delta out there. ETA on the EVAC is 15min. Hold your position, keep your heads down and repel the enemy attackers until the EVAC arrives.


  • tactical coop mission for 2-8 players
  • it's a night mission, but you won't use your Night Vision goggles much ;)
  • you're being hunted
  • you're the prey
  • successive tasks will update as you progress in the mission, 11 tasks in total
  • respawnpoint updates to the last successful task (think checkpointsystem)
  • enemy search parties use flares
  • helicopters use searchlights
  • excessive use of the pretty arma lighting effects ;)
  • epic firefights
  • roadblocks and a huge checkpoint
  • animations on certain NPC's
  • synced on-screen notifications
  • playtime around 2 hours
  • cratefill script by aeroson
  • flare script by aeroson
  • 100% working and tested task system and complete server / client sync, by FHQ TaskTracker, JIP support modified by aeroson
  • certain ARJay LIB script scripts
  • revive system using BTC Revive 0.9 by Giallustio - you have 10 lifes, every respawn takes 1 life away
  • vehicle respawn by Tophe
  • dynamic murk-spawn
  • View Distance Settings by Tonic






'>Fire From the Sky v1.8.3



  • updated for ARMA3 Alpha 0.56 compatibility
  • added more on-screen notifications for the countdowns

Known issues: Don't know if this mission will work properly on a dedicated Server, if anyone can test this, please tell me. :)

Credits & thanks:









Edited by KNG

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Last night we try this mission on our dedicated server running on DEV build, but seems to be broken some things in this mission. For example: on dedicated DEV build server isn't night time and there are no parameter setting on this mission, start spawning position is on the bottom left edge of the map in the sea, approx. 3 km from coast - we had to click on respawn button and then we spawned on correct position in the house.

Try to check it KING, pls. :)

PS: If you need to test it on dedicated server, so let me know ;)

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Last night we try this mission on our dedicated server running on DEV build, but seems to be broken some things in this mission. For example: on dedicated DEV build server isn't night time and there are no parameter setting on this mission, start spawning position is on the bottom left edge of the map in the sea, approx. 3 km from coast - we had to click on respawn button and then we spawned on correct position in the house.

Try to check it KING, pls. :)

PS: If you need to test it on dedicated server, so let me know ;)


the DEV build might cause problems, I've never tested it.

But I just did, and the DEV build fucks up everything.

the problem why you spawn in the water is fixed, since I used setPos to spawn the players inside the building. They simple changed the Buildings ID's. But there are more problems: dynamic spawn isnt working anymore, the flare script isnt working, the ARJay function that calls the FULL-MOON night setting istn working anymore, mission briefing a part of fhq tasktraker, isnt working anymore, tasks itself still seem to work, I only completed the first one though.

The mission is unplayable on the DEV build and nothing what it is like on the normal build, not only because of the bugs - but in the beginning ALL enemies are spawned at the same time and not in waves, which basically spawns 75 enemies directly around you which causes an immense performance drop.

I'll try to fix all of this asap, but I doubt I can do much, since it appears most of the stuff broken is also caused by the community scripts / libraries I used. But for now I would recommend if you wanna play it, play it on the normal build. (Downgrading usually is only a small download through steam).

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Last night we try this mission on our dedicated server running on DEV build, but seems to be broken some things in this mission. For example: on dedicated DEV build server isn't night time and there are no parameter setting on this mission, start spawning position is on the bottom left edge of the map in the sea, approx. 3 km from coast - we had to click on respawn button and then we spawned on correct position in the house.

Try to check it KING, pls. :)

PS: If you need to test it on dedicated server, so let me know ;)

updated to v.1.8.3 for Arma 3 0.56 :)

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updated to v.1.8.3 for Arma 3 0.56 :)

Thx, we´ll try it as soon as possible. :)

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update mission works however these problems exist:

sometimes it starts as day then goes to night.

evac heli crashes so ruins the mission.

ai sit outside spawn area at times and nail you when respawning

how do you activate light flares as map at night hard to see enermy

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update mission works however these problems exist:

sometimes it starts as day then goes to night.

evac heli crashes so ruins the mission.

ai sit outside spawn area at times and nail you when respawning

how do you activate light flares as map at night hard to see enermy

thanks for the feedback, do you play on a dedicated server? It should be a pitch black night. The EVAC is supposed to crash. This is normal and also the moment when you get your first task assigned and the mission or the "escape from the island" begins. I dont' know what you mean by activate light flares as map?

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Frankly, I wasn't crazy about this one - the only one of your missions I haven't liked. But that might be because there were just two of us. This is a lot like Birds Down, but in that mission you can at least shoot back. In this one, you couldn't even poke your head out to look for the enemy without getting shot. (There are lots of enemies in Birds Down, too, and they're equally deadly, but you can easily spot them, at least.)

So I just waited on the second floor, out of sight of the windows, with my gun trained on the stairs. But no enemy came up the stairs, so there really wasn't anything to do. The other guy on my team got stuck respawning right in front of the enemy, which kept killing him instantly, so he ran out of respawns just as the helicopter arrived.

It would help if we respawned on the second floor, away from the windows. But even then, the AI is impossibly deadly, and they can spot us instantly, while being very hard to spot, themselves (not a fault of the mission, but of the game itself, I'm sure). So you can't peek around a corner or poke your head up even a bit without getting it shot off. I guess it's just not much fun when I can't shoot back.

Of course, if we'd had the full eight players, that would have made a big difference, I'm sure.

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yes, it's hard with less than 8 players. we played the mission a lot, always with at least 6-8 players, and it wasn't that big of a problem. In fact, sitting in the building, shooting at the enemies, was the first time I ever used the lean keys (Q,E) to actually stay behind cover and get some shots at the enemy. I can imagine that if you play with only 2 players that you get rushed by the AI and that it becomes a very stressful situation. If you have the chance of playing the mission again with more than 2 players, give it another try. I personally like this mission the most, since it basically has everything in it that I got to learn while making missions for arma 3.

Just try to stay alive in the first 15minutes (you dont need to kill every enemy unit, just STAY alive) the EVAC actually arrives after 15min at your location, but it will crash and this is basically the beginning of the mission when you realize you wont get out there with the EVAC. In this moment the first task should be assigned to you (Leave the perimeter) and from there on it will become a hunt over Stratis, you being the prey. There's lot's of stuff coming at you, from every direction. You make your way through the island, there will be artillery barrages flying at you, there will be frogmen at a certain point of the mission, you will get to see a town in the game being blown to pieces by a huge airstrike bombing run etc. etc.

If you have a chance playing it again, give it a shot ;)

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Are there still problems playing this mission under dev builds? Looks like a lot of fun but we run dev 0.57 on our servers

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I can imagine that if you play with only 2 players that you get rushed by the AI and that it becomes a very stressful situation.

It was more that, with just one person at a location (with the other watching the opposite side), a ton of enemy shoot at you the minute you lean out and give them a target. They're not easy to spot in the dark, so I wouldn't be able to do anything before I was shot. Of course, I find the AI to be crack shots, anyway, and able to spot us no matter how well hidden we might be (while I really struggle to see them). So that isn't unique to this mission, not at all.

Just try to stay alive in the first 15minutes (you dont need to kill every enemy unit, just STAY alive) the EVAC actually arrives after 15min at your location, but it will crash and this is basically the beginning of the mission when you realize you wont get out there with the EVAC.

Yes, I got that. In fact, I stayed alive well enough just hunkering down on the second floor, away from windows, covering the stairs. But my teammate ran out of respawns before the helicopter event (I guess he got stuck respawning right in front of the enemy), so it wouldn't have been much fun for him if I'd continued with the mission. We'll try it again sometime.

And now that I think of it, maybe we should be playing these on 'Recruit,' rather than 'Normal.' I don't know what difference that makes, but we're definitely just recruits. :)



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It was more that, with just one person at a location (with the other watching the opposite side), a ton of enemy shoot at you the minute you lean out and give them a target. They're not easy to spot in the dark, so I wouldn't be able to do anything before I was shot.

there should be actually flares coming down every now and then, lighting up the area around the building. it sounds like they don't. I know there's a problem that does not make the flares spawn as they should, I'm working on it. Make sure at least one player fills the Squadleader position, this should fix the flare problem for now. I hope.

Some people also reported that the mission is kinda broken when hosted on a dedicated server. I really don't know why that is, and I can't look into that, since I don't operate a dedicated server. We play tested the mission a lot, probably more than any of the other missions I created, everything worked fine for us, we could always finish the mission.

I guess the mission definitely needs some fixing, since some stuff is apparently glitchy. :D

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there should be actually flares coming down every now and then, lighting up the area around the building. it sounds like they don't.

No, the flares worked fine. I'm just piss-poor at spotting people, especially when they're trying to shoot my head off. :)

I could see just fine with my scope - just not quickly enough to avoid the steady stream of bullets coming my way from multiple locations.


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