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Missions Don't Appear in Game

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Hello All ..

I feel like a dolt creating a post like this but my game time is limited and I'm apparently overlooking the obvious.

I've downloaded a few missions (~15) from Armaholic plus have one in my cache from playing on-line (Dom).

The one's I've dl'd have all been unzipped and the .PBOs placed in:

D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\MPMissions\

But when I start the game, create my own server, they're nowhere to be found. I've also tried placing them in the 'Missions' folder in the same path as above with the same results.

Both Steam and ArmA 3 are set to 'Run as Administrator'.

Would someone please let me know what I'm overlooking?

Sincere apologies if this has been asked/answered previously but my searches in this forum for a solution were in vain.

Many thanks to anyone/everyone who can get this sorted out for me. I'm sure it's something simple/obvious but I'm drawing a blank.

A3: Alpha 054/103597

Rig: i7 920/6GB/GTX580/Win7

Note: D: is not my boot drive if that matters. I boot from C: and game from D: (space issues)

Edited by Akilez

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Try adding the following to your config.cfg :)

class Missions {

class ARMA3 {

template = Name-Of-The-Mission-File-Without-The-Extension;

difficulty = "Regular";



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I appreciate the tip Richie but that wasn't the problem.

Apparently I (or Steam) managed to alter the path. While I do have the path listed in the initial post the one that is actually in use is:

D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\MPMissions\

When I move all of my downloaded missions to this path\folder they appear in game.

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Apparently I (or Steam) managed to alter the path.

Exciting isn't it, steam and their updates, as much as i appreciate the updates, i think it is noted in the changelog of steam on what changed

so Im not going to say it but it could be that it is your own fault for not reading it, IDK if it would list any changes in the path.

Only with steam does stupid shit like this happens, what you all get for having the game on one platform.

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.... i think it is noted in the changelog of steam on what changed

so Im not going to say it but it could be that it is your own fault for not reading it, IDK if it would list any changes in the path.

.....what you all get for having the game on one platform.


Well I'm glad that you're not going to say it could be my fault for not reading something you're not sure is even listed.

And yea, it's my fault for having the game on the only platform that's available. What was I thinking? :j:

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