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Alpha Lite Missions

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Does Arma 3 Alpha Lite support user made missions? I've downloaded several missions from Armaholic and none of them show up in the list. The only ones I can play are the showcase missions. Is it something I'm doing wrong, or is the Lite version limited to the showcases? I cant find anything in either the steam forums, or BI's website, or any of their forums regarding this.



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Alpha lite is very limited in terms of use.

Playing user made content and mods is one of those limitations. You can use the editor and create some basic missions for yourself to play on, however I don't believe you can save them.

The alpha lite version should be looked at as a proof of concept tech demo to motivate sales of the full alpha. Use the alpha lite to see how it runs on your system and run through the showcases then decide if it's worth the purchase.

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Thanks Ruecan, I had a feeling that was the case, as you cant even open user made missions in the editor. Looks like I have to shell out for the full alpha to play my missions.

It would be nice if BI made people aware of this, as there is almost no information regarding this matter in the forums or their website.

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It would be nice if BI made people aware of this, as there is almost no information regarding this matter in the forums or their website.



Edited by Harzach

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The part that he was concerned about was inability to play user-made SP missions, I believe through the Scenarios button.

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User-made missions would technically fall under "modding".

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