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Editor help!

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Ok lets be brief: In the editor, how do I create a briefing like in the dev created missions(with the description and stuff) and also the ending page that says "blah blah nice job blah blah". And also how do I make the AI and my player say messages like "we need support", "FUCK WE'RE UNDER ATTACK" and so forth. Sgt. Joseph :yay:

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Heres a list of tutorials that can help:


How to make a basic briefing in ArmA 2 @ OFPEC


Basic Briefing how to


Briefing Template




briefings code to put in init line


Follow my little tutorial here:

Adding Briefings, & notes

Step 1.

Get this tool: Armaedit


get the patch for it: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=1508&highlight=ARMAEDIT

Install and run the tool, this tool will help you create scripts.

step 2.

Run Armaedit, go to File (top left) then

go to new file and choose function file (sqf)

step 3.

your page should be white, now add the following code:

player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Credits", "Mission Built by your name here. "]];
player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Ammo", "You have an Ammobox available to you. "]];
player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Objectives", "find and locate the enemy, and destroy them. "]];
player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Respawn", "When and if you should die you can respawn at base. "]];
player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Briefing", "The enemy has moved to a location and setup base. "]];

In the first bracket it says: ["Credits", "Mission Built by your name here. "]];

you can change the word credits to whatever you want, same for the words after but the layout which is this:

player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["title", "description. "]];

must remain as is.

Notice the order of the subjects, in the game the order will start with briefing at the top, but in the script you need to have it as seen above.

step 4.

Save the script as briefing

then put the briefing.sqf into the same folder as your mission

step 5.

Go back to Armaedit, go to file, then go to new file, then create briefing file (.html)

save it and then add it to the same folder you put the briefing.sqf file in.

step 6.

Go to Armaedit one more time, go to file, then go to new file, then create a function file (sqf)

paste the following code in it:

execVM "briefing.sqf";

save it as: init

put the init.sqf script in the same folder as your mission like the other scripts.


Now start up your mission go to map and look at the notes.

hope that helps.


As for Ai to say messages suggest you look up Rug DSAI.

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