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OA Bootcamp Javelin Won't Lock on

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Recruit: E03 Shooting Range

I've tried everything to get the Javelin to lock onto the target (holding rmb, hitting space, etc) It's worked before, but I'm stuck on the part where there are 2 tanks on the sandhill

I need to lock onto. I've tried optical mode and not.

The circular target ring remains red, the green square is around it and it's in my crosshairs, my weapon is loaded etc.

I'm using Steam version on Windows 7 64 bit in offline mode.

Any ideas what could be wrong ? this is the second time I've gone through it to get stuck here, no save capability yet and don't want to go through the whole thing again.

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Try zooming in with num+ ? I also seemed to notice it only locks on when the thermal imaging is on.

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Thanks I aborted it, moved on to night ops training, then went and did rifle range over, this time it locked on immediately, must just be a glitch.

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Try zooming in with num+ ? I also seemed to notice it only locks on when the thermal imaging is on.

That's only in ACE. And in ACE it won't work, because there's no CLU in crate.

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