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getting separate strings from an array

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hi all,

the title says it all really, how would i go about doing this

what i wanted to do was have an array that can hold an infinite number of

strings and then be able to separate out the strings individually.

e.g. a list of waypoint markers in an array

["wp1", "wp2", "wp3", .....];

i then want to be able to extract these waypoint names for use as a position

and create a waypoint for a unit to follow.

if anyone has an idea of how to do this i would very much appreciate them

advising me on how to go about doing this

if i have seemed unclear, please tell me and i will try to rephrase it.

edit: here is my code so far

// Function file for Arma 3
// Created by: =SOF= Sgt.Bull.A - "Bully"


_markerName = _this select 0; //type string
_side = _this select 1; //type string either "red" or "blue"
_groupName = _this select 2; //type array or string
_wps = _this select 3; //type array of strings -  needs to be with list of marker positions

//sets defualt group type based on side
//opfor deualt group
if (_side = "red") then 
if (isNil _groupName) then {_groupName = (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfTeam");}; //selects default group
//blufor default group
if (_side = "blue") then 
if (isNil _groupName) then {_groupName = (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "West" >> "BLU_F" >> "Infantry" >> "BUS_InfTeam");}; //selects default group

//spawns the group
_spawnpos = getmarkerpos _markername;//gets marker name
_group = [_spawnpos, EAST, _groupName] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;//spawn group

//adds the waypoints
//put waypoint params here for each string from _wps array

exit;//ends script

Edited by BullyBoii

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exit is sqs command does nothing in sqf file you don't need it. to iterate through your wp names use foreach


//_x will contain wps name

} forEach _wps;

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exit is sqs command does nothing in sqf file you don't need it. to iterate through your wp names use foreach


//_x will contain wps name

} forEach _wps;

ok thanks, i thought about doing that but then something in my head kept telling me it wouldnt work, thanks for the help, ill try that now :)

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