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Workaround for TRANSPORT UNLOAD bug?

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Does anyone have any? In 9 out of 10 cases, the helicopter won't proceed to the next checkpoint after unloading the soldiers, he just ascends, flies for 100 meters and starts hovering infinitely. Sometimes he doesn't even unload the AI-soldiers before ascending again.

Edited by qwasder

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Not sure if our situations are the same, but this happened to me in building my mission where I have a heli transport us just outside of a town, unload, and then fly off. I kept wondering why do I still hear it? Why is it still in the air? Then I realized that I had put down a helipad for him to go back to once we were dropped off, but I forgot to change the waypoint I put on top of it from "MOVE" to "GET OUT". Once I did that it would drop us off at the unload point, fly back over the hill, land and cut the engine.

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This has been around for ages. Search the other forums Arma, Arma2 and you will find a script solution.



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