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normal house mods in sight ?

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now and in future we have only the Mediterranean white smal houses for the island modding.

an<y modders on start for make others ?

is a hard limitation for a good looking land map more nord or south west or east :j:

and plants ?

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Believe someone's importing all the A1/2/OA content over, which includes a robust selection of buildings and objects. If you include all the additional mod work done (MBG, I think, as in Duala) in A2, you'll have just about anything you could want (with a lot of Middle Eastern/African flavor). The one thing we don't really have is Asian housing (India/China/SEA/Oceania/Japan), which is a considerable oversight. I guess OFP2 might have put people off of it or something... Here's hoping for a SEA/Chinese expansion. It just makes sense, they've done every other hotspot now (not sure how Greece is a hotspot, but ok).

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