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Dynamic Weather... Please Fix!!

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I really hope the fix for the broken weather commands is coming soon. It takes a lot away from the randomization element of my missions and I don't know exactly how they intend to test all of this with these commands being broken.

Broken commands:





...and maybe others. Those are the ones I've run tests on so far. I know it's only alpha, but the environment is a pretty big element of the game that should probably be tested and proven solid sometime in the near future.

Cheers :D

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what branch ? stable or development ? also can You be more specific in what way they broken ?

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In the stable branch the commands work (except for Rain as said above it has been removed temporarily).

Although what I have noticed with the stable branch is the following commands do not work if the weather settings under Advanced intel in the editor are set to auto, they will not work, they need to be set to Manual for the commands to work.







And setOverCast doesn't take effect till the command SimulWeatherSync is executed, and sometimes when SimulWeatherSync is executed after so many executions it starts to 'lock up' the rendering for a brief moment. Similar issue with skipTime and setDate on A2.

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That's some good information. I hadn't seen that anywhere else. My script operates on setOvercast, setRain and setFog only, but setFog is the only one I've been able to use effectively. I've not been able to get them to work in the stable or dev branch. When I say they're broke, I mean I've not been able to get them to work at all. I voted on the issue here, but I'm beginning to worry this is being overlooked.... even though I know there's a lot going on.

@Tonic... so would I set my weather conditions then run simulWeatherSync as the next command to make them take effect?

Thanks :)

edit- ok, just tried this with simulWeatherSync and it did something, but not what it was supposed to. I started with an overcast sky, set to 0 overcast over 10 seconds and ran simulWeatherSync. The clouds didn't disappear (after the major stutter), but they did turn streaky. The overcast conditions really didn't seem to actually change, it just corrupted the rendering of the clouds. I'm using the dev branch to test this, but to reiterate, I have had no more success with these commands in the stable branch than I have in the dev branch.

edit 2- Something is definitely not right. I was able to turn a clear sky into a cloudy one, but unable to reverse it. The long and short of this is that I had a working dynamic weather script for OA that doesn't work at all in A3. After more testing I'm convinced something is out of whack. IMHO the environment is a pretty major part of the game, especially since I also believe that A3 has the most authentic weather I've ever seen in a video game. It's just a shame that this issue is still lingering, but I understand that there is still much to do. I just hope it gets some attention soon ;)

Edited by tvig0r0us

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