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waitUntil and Tasks creation and position

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I've searched alot but I could not find the answer. I'm in the process of building a mission which contains a total of 4 tasks. However I want them to be created in order, to prevent the player from skipping tasks.

How do I do this? I've tried the waitUntil command but it's not working as intended. Beware that I'm using Functions:

["Inside the corresponding <marker name='crates'>crates</marker> you will find all you need for your mission.", 
"Gear up for combat", "Gear"],
position a, 
] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;

[] spawn {
waitUntil {"tskobj_1" setTaskState "succeeded"};
["Join your fireteam and take command.", "Join your fireteam", "Join"],
position b,
] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; 

Another problem is related to the link between a task and a marker. Despite having markers named "a" and "b" when I select a Task it does create a waypoint to the marker. Bug or bad coding?

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Create a .sqf file named missionTasks.sqf

case "tskobj_1": {
if (_taskState == "") then {
			"Inside the corresponding <marker name='crates'>crates</marker> you will find all you need for your mission.", 
			"Gear up for combat", 
			markerPos "crates",
			true // true to set task as current upon creation
	] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;

case "tskobj_2": {
if (_taskState == "") then {
			"Join your fireteam and take command.", 
			"Join your fireteam", 
			markerPos "B"
	] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;

Create a .sqf file named initBriefing.hpp - inside this folder is also where your briefing would go.

"tskobj_1" call BIS_fnc_missionTasks;

Create your init.sqf file

#include "initBriefing.hpp"

After your first objective has been completed you would call the next mission with: ["tskobj_2", "Current"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState;

Edited by cobra4v320

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