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Weapon movement when walking/running while sighted feels off IMO

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I searched and found a few posts asking for what I am about to but decided to post this anyway as they were from yrs back and based on A2.While the rest of the animations in A3 are pretty smooth I really feel that the animations when sighted is wonky feeling and kinda ruins the feel of the game.I know that many will say its supposed to be hard but hear me out first.And I also know that this has been asked many times in past and BIS did nothing to change it but I feel A3 is a new game with new ideas and ways of making a great game....aka not stuck in the "its harder so its realistic" mindset that plagued A2.

To begin I am finding that I rather play the game with the crosshair as that is where I can be more precise and feel like I am holding the actual weapon with some control and not a random disconnected to the weapon feel.The reason I believe this happens when sighted is due to two things affecting the movement of the sight.First is the sway when stationary is there when you start moving and then combines with the erratic weapon jinking animation.This double effect is what I believe causes this issue I have(might just be only me).:butbut:

If I go sighted the weird jinking of the front post throws me off even though its showing exactly where the weapon is pointing.In real life your brain picks up the slight movements and you adjust but watching it onscreen it never clicks with what I think it should feel like.Firing with crosshair is different as its stationary and doesn't fool your mind so its actually easier.

What I think would work and feel better is to make the weapon movement animation when walking the running animation as you will still have the normal sway plus the slightly less erratic weapon animation movement.Then when walking remove the weapon movement so that its only sway you have to deal with.IMO that would feel worlds better and force people away from the ease of crosshair use.

I know many people will probably like it as is and maybe they will even convince me that its fine as is.I ask you what do you all feel on this?

---------- Post added at 05:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:17 PM ----------

Kinda funny but I think the weapon movement actually is removed when walking and all you see is the sway.LOL Maybe its best to let this slide down the page.:rolleyes:

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