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Shadows not anti aliased - issue 1353

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I would humbly like to point public attention to the issue that shadows are not anti aliased correctly on all detail settings.

It gets very evident when e.g looking at the metall fences against a background of a shadowed house. This flickers like hell with shadows enabled.

This may sound like a minor issue, but in fact it really spoils visual appearance of bright day light scenes, especially in towns. Since the towns in ArmA 3 are looking great and the shadows on ultra really look good otherwise it would be a shame not to fix that.

There is already an issue in feedback tracker, but I am pretty sure it does not get the attention it deserves. The reason is probably, that most people simply do not realize that it is the reason for much of the flickering in town scenes.

So I beg you all to please vote up.


Many thanks!

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