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the sit posture and related anims and discussions on the direction of its development

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something cool to do if you haven't done so already, turn deadzone(floating aim) all the way up, then go into sit posture and look at your character aim around in 3rd person.

notice how the upper body swings and rotates around realistically while the butt sits still? to me this is the ideal way to do the sit posture(i'll explain my reasoning later). your lower body should be stationary while your upper body has a limited degree of moment(i propose 75 from the center on x axis and 50 degrees on y axis.)

but i'm aware this is not the only way. currently, you can spin around with 360 degrees of freedom while in sitting posture, obviously the problem with this is the fact that the lower body is not animated, but if it can be animated, then there's still remains the problem that turning around in this posture is instantaneous, therefore deadzone aiming for this (and other related features) would have to be forced.

i'm really interested in just what type of system bis is going to choose down the road. clearly this is a very difficult issue due to the challenges i mentioned. my preferred method of animation, with more restrictions on movement considers the practicality and logistics of implementing sit aiming(and similar animations and actions) to what is admittedly and older and more stagnant engine than say cryengine 3, but it also forces certain restrictions on otherwise realistic actions for the sake of consistency. the other option allows for more freedom, but clearly is is far more challenging to implement in a way that would not ruin immersion or break gameplay.

i'd like to hear some other ideas on how the sit animation and related features and be handled and hopefully improved upon. would also be great to hear what bis has to say on the issue.

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