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AI and laserdesignators

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so yeah, tricky stuff going on again. Can't get the AI to target stuff with their laser designator. First off, here's the script:

_spotter = _this select 0;
_vehicle = _this select 1;
_player = _this select 2;

removeAllWeapons _spotter;
_spotter addMagazine "laserbatteries";
_spotter addWeapon "laserdesignator";

waitUntil {_spotter knowsAbout _vehicle > 0};
_player groupChat "Spotter marking target.";
sleep 0.1;
_spotter doTarget _vehicle;
_spotter doFire _vehicle;

Pretty self explanatory really. doTarget was only added because doFire alone didn't work (but it originally incorporates doTarget anyway..).

I've been doing checks and the spotter has a knowsAbout value of atleast 1 (just to be sure I added reveal to make the knowsAbout value 1, but didn't help), and has the weapon equipped. I don't get a laser target for my fancy bombs though.

A workaround here would be to place a SOFLAM but I don't even know if that exists in ArmA2 :L

Any further ideas here?

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I may be missing what you are after.

I did this recently by putting this bit in the spotter's init line in the editor:

removeAllWeapons _spotter;

_spotter addMagazine "laserbatteries";

_spotter addWeapon "laserdesignator";

Worked everytime but I didn't include the rest of your code in a script file in my mission folder.

I had three tanks as targets, when one was destroyed the spotter would switch to a live target.

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Doesn't happen for me. Even when giving him time he does not mark targets but he clearly sees them as the knowsAbout value tells me.

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