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Arma III, 2013, multi-core support. You are doing it wrong!!!

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Is this really Arma III? Or is it Operation Flashpoint³ or Arma II²?

Yeah, I have all of them (and I bought them of course) and I did it with Arma III Alpha too because I thought Behemia Intercative could learn from past mistakes.

Well, actually I was wrong, I hoped that the "III" in that number meant BI finally started to thought how to make its game (yeah it's just one actually) really a modern game, with full CPU(\GPU) support and whatsoever.

Nothing changed in this front.

Arma III is damn hard as Arma II was, with a little more polished graphics, yeah, but with the same lack of hardware support.

Now, two screenshots proving it:



As you can see QUAD cores @same frequencies go exactely the same as ESA or EIGHT-cores CPUs.

So the game can at max use 4-cores. And that means that for DayZ standalone too (seeing both Arma II and III have the same support) it will be just the same!

We are in 2013 and we paid for a brand new game, actually it have the same price but also the same limits (great, big limits and I can say it because I played it more than 300+ houres) of you old Arma II.

This just sucks. I won't for sure buy new hardware just for playing your game because you didn't spend any resources in its real optimization. Just I won't buy anything more from you.

Just my two cents and the honest opinion of a disappointed customer.


Edited by punisherITA

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Oh look, another programmer volunteering for a job @BI to fix all their problems.

There are already threads about this topic, funilly enough with the exact same pics in it. There is a search function, use it.

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