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possible to use default land_ objects with a different name?

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Hi there, I've got some issues with r3f allowing players to move local land_ objects (Which causes desync between clients. and lag)

They should only be able to move the objects that where spawned in by the mission and not the local ones that where allready on the map.

Since i haven't found a way to set the 2 appart, i was wondering if it would be possible to use a different classname with the existing p3d/textures

so for example Land_FieldToilet_F will be the local one that they will not be allowed to move arround with r3f, but the same object is also spawned randomly arround towns with a different classname: Land_FieldToilet_R3F_F which will be movable/transportable with r3f.

Would this be possible?

Thanks for thinking along with me on this :)

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Hi there, I've got some issues with r3f allowing players to move local land_ objects (Which causes desync between clients. and lag)

They should only be able to move the objects that where spawned in by the mission and not the local ones that where allready on the map.

Since i haven't found a way to set the 2 appart, i was wondering if it would be possible to use a different classname with the existing p3d/textures

so for example Land_FieldToilet_F will be the local one that they will not be allowed to move arround with r3f, but the same object is also spawned randomly arround towns with a different classname: Land_FieldToilet_R3F_F which will be movable/transportable with r3f.

Would this be possible?

Thanks for thinking along with me on this :)

Could try to execute this on both server / client and you wouldn't have to jump through loops with solutions like you're thinking. This isn't tested but in theory it should work.

waitUntil {!isNil {R3F_LOG_CFG_objets_deplacables}};
if(!(_x in (allMissionObjects "Building"))) then
	_x setVariable["R3F_LOG_disabled",true];
} foreach (nearestObjects[[0,0], R3F_LOG_CFG_objets_deplacables, 20000]);

Edited by Tonic-_-

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thats a smarter approach indeed :)

players just love having a 'shitter' in their base

ill add your name in the wasteland v1.08c credits ;)

Edited by JoSchaap

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