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how to attribute kills to a player or unit

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Ok, so if I use _bomb= "HelicopterExploSmall" createVehicle _somePosition; I can kill stuff. How would I go about adding those kills to a player's score? How would I assign aggro, so that enemies know it was the player?

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AddScore requires that I first know which units were killed by the explosion.

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Right, clearly addscore is how you add to the players score, but !(alive enemy1) just tells me if the enemy is dead, not that he died from the explosion. He could have died from a rabbit bite for all we know. So let me rephrase the question: is there any way to know specifically which units were hit by, or killed by, a specific explosion that is created programatically?

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this addeventhandler ["[url="http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2:_Event_Handlers#HandleDamage"]handledamage[/url]", {if((_this select 4) == "HelicopterExploSmall") then {player addscore 100}}];

Using HitPart might be better. _this select 6 [hit value, indirect hit value, indirect hit range, explosive damage, ammo class name]. ammo class name would return "HelicopterExploSmall"

Edited by cobra4v320

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