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Few questions: respawn and groups

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First time poster and I tried roaming the search fields, but didn't find what I was looking for.

Here we go:

1. Is there a way to do multiple respawn points? We are working on one map where we have a Apache fighter group and in another location, a fast attack group. We would ultimately like to have the respective group members respawn at their locations instead of everyone at the same place.

2. During the game play (or even with scripting within the mission editor), how do you tell a unit to fall under your command? Example: We are trying another mission where must rescue a downed pilot. When we meet up with him, we cannot control him or tell him to board the helicopter we just landed.

3. Last question (least important if you are tired..haha)! We have another map with a beach landing. We have a few AI Blackhawks take off from one location loaded with an infintry group. They disembark at the landing zone. How would I have the Blackhawk move on to bigger and better things while the landed infintry group completes its objectives?

Thanks all!!!

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First id like to say welcome to the forums.

Ill try to answer as much as i can. If you need some help with respawns go to Operation Flashpoint Editing Center then go to their code snippets section and scroll down and click the desired field of scripts you want. There will be tutorialls too.

Now as for the black hawk to move on to bigger and better things. you make the waypoint transport unload. Then place a invisible H on the waypoint. This will make it so the chopper wont take as long to land. Then after the transport unload waypoint give it another waypoint to the desired destination. That should work.

Hope that helps.

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