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Make new AI units use a previous waypoint?

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Is it possible to add new AI unites and have them follow a waypoint system I already set up for other units?

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You should be able to, you could in arma2/oa using copyWaypoints.

The only problem was that the original unit needed to stay alive. You usually just use unit hideobject true and unit allowdamage false to keep him alive.

It would have been nice if you could have used a gamelogic instead, but doing that gives odd results.

Laying paths would be a nice addition if you could just place them without having to use an AI/player unit.

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So what exactly do I need to do to add other groups of AI to use the same path as another that has already been set up? I don't see anything to do with copyWaypoints

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The unit does not have to be alive, you can just deleteVehicle them at the start.

Unit init:

AttackWaypoints = group this; deleteVehicle this;

then in a script or trigger:

groupName copyWaypoints AttackWaypoints;

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