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Bug Report / Feedback from 6-hour marathon!

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Played some A3 last night until the wife started yelling she was trying to sleep and couldn't due to the A3 sounds from the computer room :D

Terrain / Sky / Sunset



All look awesome. Not just "Pretty" but incredibly usable. Lots of nice little nooks and crannies. A definite jump up on my triple-monitor setup!

Bad: Enemy will shoot through tree tops as if they can see through them. Seems to be consistent regardless if you have already engaged them or not. Also there appear to be a few issues with some of the boulders on the South-West side of the island... boulders with a gap large enough to drive the hunter vehicle through are blocked by an "invisible fence" which is obviously a Geo LOD issue.




You can see through the grass enough to actually snipe through it when prone. Makes it a little easier vs. Arma2 grass issues.


The AI *appears* to be able to see through it too. All the time. We can't seem to hide very well in the grass. We belly-crawled over a hill and were engaged by the AI. Making it relatively useless vs. AI.

"Screen effects"



VERY EFFECTIVE and appropriate for the game. WOund effects, scope effects, near grenade effects all provide a good experience. I particularly like the "near grenade" effect that temporarily covers the screen with dirt! :)


Appears to be a 1920 x 1080 graphic! On my XFinity triple-monitor rig (5760 x 1080) the effect only covers the middle monitor. Somewhat distracting.

FAK (First Aid Kits)



EXTREMELY Useful when they work


Don't always remove the "wounded" effects from your player. After using the FAKs we were sometimes still running around with the "ouch noises" and "wounded breathing" sounds and effects. Possible MP sync issue... how to diagnose?

Breathing after crash


Once we all three crashed in the little bird due to enemy activity. Upon respawn, we had the "wounded breathing" sounds persist until the end of the game. Making us sound kind of like Darth Vader running around the map.

Medic can't heal after XX healings


We found the medic could not heal anyone after a certain amount of successful heals. We didn't keep track of the number. We resorted to using FAK's exclusively after this behavior happened. Perhaps our Medic ran out of FAK's... does the Medic need to use FAK's?

Backpack / Inventory / Uniform menu



- VERY nice once you learn how to use it. The pictograms made sense after a few tries.

- EXTREMELY PLEASED with the chest rig concept. This not only models Real Life but absolutely opens up possibilities in MP scenarios. Huge win!


- NO "short description" field to explain which magazine went to which gun. Since everything in the Alpha is 6.5mm-something it was confusing until we found the right magazine via trial-and-error. Would be nice to have a "small description" area just like in Arma2 that provides an area to list information about the equipment to make things easier to figure out in-game.

Attachments like suppressors and flashlights



We have attachments like suppressors and flashlights! :)


It is not intuitive to understand when the attachments are "active" on the gun. We had to equip them, then exit the inventory menu to test the guns to verify the attachments were "activated". The inventory pictograms appear to be incomplete, so this may be an Alpha-only issue.

Multiplayer sync of loadouts



Works well when it works.


Did not always work! A few times, even after disconnect/reconnect, the player's character did not change from the default weapon even after equipping with a new weapon. The default weapon model remained through respawns, etc. This appears to be a sync issue in MP and is annoying and confusing when trying to help out new players to equip new weapons.

AI Night Vision


Good: NONE!


AI can see in the dark even w/o night vision goggles! Even in pitch-black cloudy conditions, they can see as if it is high noon. Not cool!




Is there any possibility of adding a "sync MP" console command similar to the "end mission" console command? This would be a huge benefit for MP missions, at the cost of a temporary performance hit. Ideally the MP code could have an additional MP sync command issued to all clients not only on MP client connect, but also on a regular basis that can be configured by the server for every XX minutes.

ALSO: When are the modding tools going to be released? :)

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