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Causing AI to attack a (player) civilian

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I'm working on a resistance-esque mission and have started the player as a Civilian rather than de-equipping a BLUFOR soldier and having OPFOR shoot on sight. What I'd ideally like to do would be to have the AI open fire if they see a weapon, but I could settle for a trigger that makes them unfriendly to me as soon as I open fire. As it stands, they still don't respond. Could anyone offer a suggestion?

It would be preferable if the AI wouldn't hose down AI civilians after they turn hostile to the Civilian player but that's not crucial.


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Why don't you simply change that "civilian" to Blufor when he's seen with a weapon drawn?

Your script could look roughly like this:

if (!isServer) exitWith {};

while {alive undercoverguy} do {
 waitUntil {currentWeapon undercoverguy != ""};
 _list = (position undercoverguy) nearEntities [["Man"],100];
 _spotted = { (_x knowsAbout undercoverguy) > 3 } count _list;
 if ( _spotted > 0 ) then {
   undercoverguy joinSilent someblueforguy;

 sleep 0.5;

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while {true} do {
waitUntil {currentWeapon dude != ""};
dude addRating -11111111111;
waitUntil {currentWeapon dude == ""};
dude addRating 111111111111;
sleep 0.5;

Should work but untested.

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I'm working on a resistance-esque mission and have started the player as a Civilian rather than de-equipping a BLUFOR soldier and having OPFOR shoot on sight.

You can use a BLUFOR solide rand set him as captive, i.e.

_unit setCaptive true;

Then, when you want to declare it open season, use

_unit SetCaptive false;

and he will be treated like regular blufor.


IIRC joinSilent requires local argument, so it you run this on a server only, it will not work. It has to run on the client in question. The first if would need to be replaced with

if (!local undercoverguy) exitWith {};

---------- Post added at 13:51 ---------- Previous post was at 13:49 ----------

Try using setFriend with a 0 instead of a 1 in the relation between the AIs side and Civilians: http://www.ofpec.com/COMREF/index.php

setFriend will, AFAIR, not work during the mission. See the BIKI.

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The first if would need to be replaced with

if (!local undercoverguy) exitWith {};

That wouldn't work well, the knowsAbout command needs the AI to be local to get accurate results.

Though I was pretty sure, "join" works globally. Either way, just use setcaptive instead.

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Thanks guys, some good stuff in here - this must surely be one of the most helpful forums I've been on!

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That wouldn't work well, the knowsAbout command needs the AI to be local to get accurate results.

It should work on the clients, as the argument type is global.

Though I was pretty sure, "join" works globally. Either way, just use setcaptive instead.

join and joinSilent both need local arguments, according to the Biki. Might have changed in the meantime, though :)

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True, "knowsAbout" does work on clients but it only gives accurate results when you call it where the unit (AI) is local. Hence it is better to run it on the server. ;)

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I'm struggling to get a trigger to work to change the setCaptive state - if I use a radio trigger the concept works perfectly, but I've tried a few combinations of the other suggestions in this thread to make the setCaptive become false once the player is carrying a weapon but with no success. How would you go about it? Cheers

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Pardon me raising a thread from the dead, but still struggling with this one. As a bit of a mix and match of all the suggestions, I'm using this script:

while {true} do {
waitUntil {currentWeapon Resis != ""};
Resis setCaptive 0;
sleep 0.1;
waitUntil {currentWeapon Resis == ""};
Resis setCaptive 1;
sleep 0.5;

The trouble seems to be I can't get the check to loop. If I spawn the player with no weapon and "waitUntil {currentWeapon Resis == ""}; Resis setCaptive 1;" it works fine; same goes if I do it the other way with a weapon. But using the above to try and have a continuing check doesn't seem to work.

Any pointers on what I'm doing wrong?

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