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Join command issue with scripted units

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I have been testing a simple free hostage script where the hostage joins the group of the unit who calls the action. works great on a unit added in the editor.

however this doesn't work when i script a unit into the world... the unit, when spawned stands as if holding a weapon but is unarmed and when i activate the action for him to join my squad, nothing happens.

I have tested this with civilians, opfor and blufor units.

any ideas?

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How are you "scripting" the unit?

The following commands should create a BLUFOR soldier in your squad.

_unit = group player createUnit ["B_Soldier_F", getPos player, [], 0, "FORM"];  


I just reread your post. I would use the addAction command to the init of your "hostage" like follows:

this addAction ["Follow me!","followme.sqf"];

and then in your followme.sqf:

(_this select 0) join group (_this select 1);

Edited by skimmer8824

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