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XSOF - Toxx

WIP - TDM Kill Streaks

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Hello there,

with help of some community members I have finally accomplished something worth showing: Kill Streaks for TDM games!

For now I have the following:

1. Kill Streak: RPG

2. Kill Streak: Scope Sight (as you start with a holo sight in my setup)

3. Kill Streak: AI subordinate

4. Kill Streak: One round of mortar support

(5. Kill Streak: Close Air Support - Currently canceled because the Little Bird often doesn't attack at all and then lands next to me :j:)

Proof of concept:

It's still work in progress and I will have to put a lot more work into it, so I'm hoping for your feedback and ideas (maybe add death streak bonuses? other kill streak bonuses?).

As I am a fan of open source products, I plan to release the code, so everybody can adjust and enhance it as he pleases.

Best regards


Edit: hints in the upper right corner show unlock state.

Edited by Toxx

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Would somebody want to help me to develop it further?

---------- Post added at 10:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:29 AM ----------

Well I already exepected a COD-kind-of mode wouldn't get much love here^^ But you know, DayZ brought em here and they need to be entertained to keep supporting BIS :D

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Please, does anybody have an idea how to add ammo to a rpg? I've tried several approaches like adding it before adding the rpg itself, adding a sleep/waitUntil between it and so on.

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Surely you don't add ammo to the RPG. In ArmA2 you add it to the players inventory (addMagazine _x) first, then add the weapon i.e (player addWeapon _wep), then tell the unit to select the weapon. (player selectWeapon _wep)., This will reload the weapon with the ammo.

--- UPDATE ---

Just realised. Has the unit got the space for the ammo?

Edited by Beerkan

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So, after lots and lots of testing I found out the basic loadout of my soldier really didn't have enough space. Thank you Beerkan, now it finally works!

---------- Post added at 12:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:41 AM ----------

For now I have managed to implement it for single player. How would I have to change my code to make it accessible in MP?

This is my current code:

waituntil {!isnil "bis_fnc_init"};

removeAllWeapons player;

// set custom loadout
switch (side player) do
case EAST :
	nul = [player] execVM "loadoutOPFOR.sqf";
case WEST :
	nul = [player] execVM "loadoutBLUFOR.sqf";


// set amout of kills needed per killstreak
killstreakRPG = 3;
killstreakScope = 5;
killstreakAI = 7;
killstreakMortar = 10;

// before it's unlocked, the mortar has no ammo
mortarBlufor1 setVehicleAmmo 0.0;

hint format ["Kill Streaks:\n%1 - RPG,\n%2 - Scope,\n%3 - AI,\n%4 - Mortar", killstreakRPG, killstreakScope, killstreakAI, killstreakMortar];

TargetSoldier1 addEventHandler ["killed",
// increase killstreak counter
player setVariable["killstreak", (player getVariable["killstreak", 0]) + 1];

hint format ["Kill Streak %1: %2", player, player getVariable["killstreak", 0]];

// check if a killstreak has been reached
switch (player getVariable["killstreak", 0]) do
case (killstreakRPG) :
	hint format ["%1-Kill-Streak: RPG Unlocked!", killstreakRPG];
	player addMagazine "RPG32_F";
	player addWeapon "launch_RPG32_F";
case (killstreakScope) :
	hint format ["%1-Kill-Streak: Scope Unlocked!", killstreakScope];
	player removeItemFromPrimaryWeapon "optic_holosight";
	player addprimaryweaponitem "optic_Hamr";

case (killstreakAI) :
	hint format ["%1-Kill-Streak: AI Unlocked!", killstreakAI];
	group player createUnit [typeOf player, getPos player, [], 0, "FORM"];
case (killstreakMortar) :
	hint format ["%1-Kill-Streak: Mortar Unlocked!", killstreakMortar];
	mortarBlufor1 addMagazine "8Rnd_82mm_Mo_shells";
	mortarBlufor1 setVehicleAmmo 0.1;		

I guess I'd have to use the "MPKilled"-EventHandler. What else would I have to change (besides respawning and so on, just about this part)?

Instead of TargetSoldier1 I'd put "player" but how do I replace the key word "player" that I am using within the EventHandler to get access to the killer? "this select 1" doesn't seem to work?!

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A little bit too late for me to get into the specific details of making this MP-friendly, but I can tell you that to refer to the variable passed in the eventhandler you use _this instead of this.

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