curtcooll 1 Posted March 18, 2013 Having issue with script im using the vehicle respawns with helicopter pilot but cannot get the co pilot to get into the seat. for [{ _loop = 0 },{ _loop < count _unitsGroup},{ _loop = _loop + 1}] do { _guy = _unitsGroup select _loop; _guy setSkill (_AI_skillArray select _loop); if (_loop == 0) then {_guy moveInDriver _vcl_new}; //if (_loop == 1) then {_guy moveInTurret _vcl_new}; if (_loop == 1) then {_guy moveinturret _vcl_new}; sleep 0.1; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skimmer8824 1 Posted March 18, 2013 I've had success with using the BIS_fnc_spawnCrew function. _heli = createVehicle ["B_MH9_F", getPos homeBase, [], 0, "NONE"]; _grp = createGroup West; [_heli, _grp] call BIS_fnc_spawnCrew; It will populate the vehicle with the appropriate crew. I had trouble finding it on the BIKI, but there is some documentation about it on the website. I would post a link, but my member status is prohibiting it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites