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CfgRadio problems, no sound/radio message

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Hi all, im creating an in depth mission with lots of cutscenes and custom dialog, but the main problem iam facing is getting the dialog to play in game

this is the description.ext

// NOTE: Your sound/radio files must be in the ...\mission\sound
// folder and your music files in the ...\mission\music folder.
class CfgRadio
// List of sounds (.ogg files without the .ogg extension)
sounds[] = {

// Definition for each sound
class mission_completed_1
	name = "mission_completed_1"; // Name for mission editor
	sound[] = {\sound\mission_completed_1.ogg, db + 1, 1.0};
	title = "Objective 3 completed. Well done you have passed the Ironfist gaming training mission. Head on over to our TeamSpeak channel, ts.ironfistgaming.com, to chat with one our Arma 3 Officers about joining the Arma division"; // Text for radio message
class mission_completed_2
	name = "mission_completed_2"; // Name for mission editor
	sound[] = {\sound\mission_completed_2.ogg, db + 0, 1.0};
	title = ""; // Text for radio message
class objective_1_completed
	name = "objective_1_completed"; // Name for mission editor
	sound[] = {\sound\objective_1_completed.ogg, db + 0, 1.0};
	title = ""; // Text for radio message
class objective_1_intro_1
	name = "objective_1_intro_1"; // Name for mission editor
	sound[] = {\sound\objective_1_intro_1.ogg, db + 0, 1.0};
	title = ""; // Text for radio message
class objective_1_intro_2
	name = "objective_1_intro_2"; // Name for mission editor
	sound[] = {\sound\objective_1_intro_2.ogg, db + 0, 1.0};
	title = ""; // Text for radio message
class objective_1_to_2
	name = "objective_1_to_2"; // Name for mission editor
	sound[] = {\sound\objective_1_to_2.ogg, db + 0, 1.0};
	title = ""; // Text for radio message
class objective_2_intro_1
	name = "objective_2_intro_1"; // Name for mission editor
	sound[] = {\sound\objective_2_intro_1.ogg, db + 0, 1.0};
	title = ""; // Text for radio message
class objective_2_intro_2
	name = "objective_2_intro_2"; // Name for mission editor
	sound[] = {\sound\objective_2_intro_2.ogg, db + 0, 1.0};
	title = ""; // Text for radio message
class objective_2_intro_3
	name = "objective_2_intro_3"; // Name for mission editor
	sound[] = {\sound\objective_2_intro_3.ogg, db + 0, 1.0};
	title = ""; // Text for radio message
class objective_2_support_call
	name = "objective_2_support_call"; // Name for mission editor
	sound[] = {\sound\objective_2_support_call.ogg, db + 0, 1.0};
	title = ""; // Text for radio message
class objective_3_intro_1
	name = "objective_3_intro_1"; // Name for mission editor
	sound[] = {\sound\objective_3_intro_1.ogg, db + 0, 1.0};
	title = ""; // Text for radio message
class welcome
	name = "welcome"; // Name for mission editor
	sound[] = {\sound\welcome.ogg, db + 0, 1.0};
	title = ""; // Text for radio message

and here is the code in the trigger

drill globalChat mission_completed_1;
hint "Objective 3 completed. Well done you have passed the Ironfist gaming training mission. Head on over to our TeamSpeak channel, ts.ironfistgaming.com, to chat with one our Arma 3 Officers about joining the Arma division";

i see nothing wrong with the script orhow i am calling it in game, please help :)

Thanks, Adam

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I hope you've find the problem by this time, but if you haven't, I've a solution and if someone else is searching for it, he might find my reply useful.

I don't know exactly why but the sounds that you've in your Radio folder will be played, but extremely quietly, so if you want to hear them, you'll have to amplify him drastically.

For example :


    class welcome

        name = "welcome"; // Name for mission editor
        sound[] = {\sound\welcome.ogg, +60db, 1.0};
        title = ""; // Text for radio message


PS: Still, be careful not to explode your ears with something like + 180db !

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