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Can anyone help me

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Hi all

Im playing ARM 3 on a 27in iMac running BootCamp and Windows 8. It runs beautifully and what great looking game. Im new to the Arma series. I do fly DCS Flaming Cliffs 2 and 3. With trakIR.

My question - does the KA 50 chopper have a gunsite while inside the chopper? Im walking rounds and rockets onto the targets - not the best. If there is a gunsite how do I access it or toggle it on.

How do I get to fly the Littlebird chopper in Arma 3 - Ive flown it in Arma 2 and Im very eager to fly it in the new Arma 3 world. I cant find it.

Can anyone recommend me some good tutorials on the Arma series so that I can get up to speed on all facets of the game.

Thanks in advance


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I don't know re: the Ka-60 (it's not a Ka-50) but as far as the "Littlebird" there's an unarmed MH-9 with passenger seats and an armed AH-9 with Miniguns and rockets. As for "some good tutorials", why not start with the Field Manual in the pause menu?

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I know this will sound dumb but I cant find the MH - 9's or AH - 9's. Are they in another area or hanger?


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single player -> editor -> double click anywhere on the map and a dialogue will come up, choose side west and vehicle type AIR, and under the units list you'll be able to select the littlebird. Select ok, and then preview (top of the page).

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Aaah ! mucho gracias I think you have helped me more than you realise

Best RLI01

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with TrackIR it is very hard to shot with the KA50, because the reticle is on the HUD which moves with your view :(

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rli01, just note that the AH-9 has simple "broken X" crosshairs instead of a regular (proper?) boresight for both the Miniguns and the rockets.

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