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Col. Ben Sherman

[Question] Regarding sound and voice channels.

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Hello everyone,

I'm here yet agen with an other question, I just got this amazing idea of adding specific sounds or we say the side channel, so once a player talks in side channel there will be a radio click when he starts talking and maybe one after he stops talking. Would that be possible or would it not be possible?



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I don't think your intend is not possible - there is no way for a script to know when a player is speaking in the side (or any other) channel.

You could add a key event handler which fires every time someone presses CAPS Lock to activate VoIP (afaik CAPS Lock is the default) and play a sound using playSound but this would only work if and only if the player doesn't change the default button for VoIP AND the player isn't always speaking without using push-to-talk after pressing CAPS Lock two times.

What you need is an event listener which is fired whenever someones speaks but afaik there is none.

Well, don't give up too soon, maybe someone will enlighten you with another theory and show you a way ;)

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