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Making BIG mortar explosions.

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_bomb = "M_Mo_120mm_AT" createvehicle getpos _x makes an explosion.

"M_Mo_120mm_AT" is the only ammoname i can use to create explosions, which is pathetic as it is very non-lethal. I have tried all of the others to no effect. I am sure that the normal HE round is "Sh_82mm_AMOS" but this doesnt seem to work in the context of createVehicle.

Anything I am doing wrong?

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You may be using the wrong classname variant for 82mm. There's usually a name for the object and a name for the magazine, or something like that. I always get them mixed up in A2.

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I have tried all that looked relevant in the SIX wiki, and i used the 'this addEventhandler ["fired",{hint format["%1",_this]}]' init on the mortar to find out what it fired.

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I'm thinking it might be much like the satchel charge, where it has a built in touch off feature. I can't seem to get it to work with the ammo type however the RPG / Nlaw explosion does work.

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I found the following to produce the biggest explosions of all the current munitions. I'm also including the code to simulate the effect of it having been fired.

//120mm arty
shell = "Sh_120mm_AMOS" createVehicle ((this) ModelToWorld [0,0,200]); shell setVelocity [0,5,-45];
shell = "Cluster_120mm_AMOS" createVehicle ((this) ModelToWorld [0,0,200]); shell setVelocity [0,5,-45];
bomb = "Bo_GBU12_LGB_MI10" createVehicle ((this) ModelToWorld [0,0,200]); bomb setVelocity [0,5,-45];

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