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Take from 1, not all

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While i'm editing Wasteland, i've added water barrels, but with this script, when someone takes water from the barrel, it takes 1 from every barrel. What should I edit to take only 1 from that certain barrel?


//	@file Version: 1.0
//	@file Name: Script Name
//	@file Author: [404] Deadbeat
//	@file Created: DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM
//	@file Args:

if(!X_Server) exitWith {};

_objPos = _this select 0;
_Objtype = foodContainers select (random (count foodContainers - 1));
_obj = createVehicle [_Objtype,_objPos,[], 10,"None"]; 
_randomnum = floor(random 4); // Random # up to 4
foodObject = _obj;

if(_Objtype == "Land_Barrelwater_F") then 
   _obj setVariable["water",_randomnum,false]; // Gives 3
_obj addAction  ["Take water","client\digestion\thirstConsume.sqf","",1,false,true,"","(_target distance _this) < 3"];

_obj setpos [getpos _obj select 0,getpos _obj select 1,0];


if(foodObject getVariable "water" <= 0) exitWith {
hint "This crate of water is empty";
if(foodObject getVariable "water" > 0) then {
hint "Wait...";
sleep 10;
hint "OK";
sleep 3;
player setVariable["water", (player getVariable "water")+1,true];
foodObject setVariable["water", (foodObject getVariable "water")-1,true];
hint format ["You take a bottle of water, there is %1 left", [foodObject getVariable "water"]];

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While i'm editing Wasteland, i've added water barrels, but with this script, when someone takes water from the barrel, it takes 1 from every barrel. What should I edit to take only 1 from that certain barrel?


//	@file Version: 1.0
//	@file Name: Script Name
//	@file Author: [404] Deadbeat
//	@file Created: DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM
//	@file Args:

if(!X_Server) exitWith {};

_objPos = _this select 0;
_Objtype = foodContainers select (random (count foodContainers - 1));
_obj = createVehicle [_Objtype,_objPos,[], 10,"None"]; 
_randomnum = floor(random 4); // Random # up to 4
foodObject = _obj;

if(_Objtype == "Land_Barrelwater_F") then 
   _obj setVariable["water",_randomnum,false]; // Gives 3
_obj addAction  ["Take water","client\digestion\thirstConsume.sqf","",1,false,true,"","(_target distance _this) < 3"];

_obj setpos [getpos _obj select 0,getpos _obj select 1,0];


if(foodObject getVariable "water" <= 0) exitWith {
hint "This crate of water is empty";
if(foodObject getVariable "water" > 0) then {
hint "Wait...";
sleep 10;
hint "OK";
sleep 3;
player setVariable["water", (player getVariable "water")+1,true];
foodObject setVariable["water", (foodObject getVariable "water")-1,true];
hint format ["You take a bottle of water, there is %1 left", [foodObject getVariable "water"]];

On which object is the script run?

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On which object is the script run?



I've tried to find the nearest of the object, and tried working with that, but, no dice :( It won't even find the object.

_closestFoodObject = nearestObject [player, "foodObject"];

if(_closestFoodObject getVariable "water" <= 0) exitWith {
hint "This crate of water is empty";

if(_closestFoodObject getVariable "water" > 0) then {
hint "Wait...";
sleep 1;
hint "OK";
sleep 3;
player setVariable["water", (player getVariable "water")+1,true];
_closestFoodObject setVariable["water", (_closestFoodObject getVariable "water")-1,true];
hint format ["You take a bottle of water, there is %1 left", [_closestFoodObject getVariable "water"]];

---------- Post added at 06:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:37 PM ----------

If it makes anything more clearer, this is everything:


//	@file Version: 1.0
//	@file Name: foodSpawning.sqf
//	@file Author: [404] Deadbeat, [404] Costlyy
//	@file Created: 20/11/2012 05:19
//	@file Args:

if(!X_Server) exitWith {};
private ["_counter","_pos","_markerName","_marker","_amountOfVehicles","_hint"];
_counter = 0;

for "_i" from 1 to 16 do
   _pos = getMarkerPos format ["Food_%1", _i];
   _newpos = [_pos, 21, 40, 1, 0, 60 * (pi / 180), 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
   [_newpos] call foodCreation; 

   _counter = _counter + 2;

diag_log format["WASTELAND SERVER - %1 Food crates Spawned",_counter];


//	@file Version: 1.0
//	@file Name: Script Name
//	@file Author: [404] Deadbeat
//	@file Created: DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM
//	@file Args:

if(!X_Server) exitWith {};

_objPos = _this select 0;
_Objtype = foodContainers select (random (count foodContainers - 1));
_obj = createVehicle [_Objtype,_objPos,[], 10,"None"]; 
_randomnum = floor(random 4); // Random # up to 4
foodObject = _obj;

if(_Objtype == "Land_Barrelwater_F") then 
   _obj setVariable["water",4,false];
_obj addAction  ["Take water","client\digestion\thirstConsume.sqf","",1,false,true,"","(_target distance _this) < 3"];

if(_Objtype == "Land_WoodenBox_F") then 
   _obj setVariable["canfood",3,true];
_obj addAction  ["Take food","scripts\score4Barrels.sqf", "(_target distance _obj) < 4"];

_obj setpos [getpos _obj select 0,getpos _obj select 1,0];


//_closestFoodObject = nearestObject [player, "foodObject"];
_closestFoodObject = getPos player nearestObject "foodObject";

if(_closestFoodObject getVariable "water" <= 0) exitWith {
hint "This crate of water is empty";
hint "3";
if(_closestFoodObject getVariable "water" > 0) then {
hint "Wait...";
sleep 1;
hint "OK";
sleep 3;
player setVariable["water", (player getVariable "water")+1,true];
_closestFoodObject setVariable["water", (_closestFoodObject getVariable "water")-1,true];
hint format ["You take a bottle of water, there is %1 left", [_closestFoodObject getVariable "water"]];
hint "4";
if(foodObject getVariable "water" <= 0) exitWith {
hint "This crate of water is empty";
hint "3";
if(foodObject getVariable "water" > 0) then {
hint "Wait...";
sleep 1;
hint "OK";
sleep 3;
player setVariable["water", (player getVariable "water")+1,true];
foodObject setVariable["water", (foodObject getVariable "water")-1,true];
if(foodObject getVariable "water" > 1) then {
hint format ["You take a bottle of water, there are %1 left", foodObject getVariable "water"];
if(foodObject getVariable "water" == 1) then {
hint "You take a bottle of water, there is 1 left";
if(foodObject getVariable "water" <= 0) then {
hint "You take the last bit of water";

Edited some code from the last post

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Have you checked all your variables? foodObject looks global to me...

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