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Col. Ben Sherman

[Question] Disable GEAR from Ammo Box and other items.

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Hi there,

I'm having some issues, been searching around google for most answers but never seems to find any about this case. I'm trying to disable the "Gear" action menu from an ammo box, since I don't wan't people to access it unless they have proper access. Question is how, even though I've tried all kinds of stuff and tried to finding the answer around google, I never seem to find any.

Any one here that might be able to help me out?



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Well the first thing coming into mind would be removeAction - unfortunately this command won't remove those default actions placed by the game but custom ones created with addAction.

There is another - but more complex - way to do this using local commands to fill the box with objects and whenever a player approaches the box, check the permissions and eventually empty the box if the permissions didn't match.

This requires you to keep track of several sets of objects for every player in that one box, which multiplies whenever you have more boxes to access.... Well, I wouldn't want to do it this way, too much managment to do.

An event handler reacting to "Gear" would help, but I don't think there is one...

Maybe someone can help with another idea :)

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Thanks alot for that help, problem is I'm building a house script. One of my downloaded game modes a while back had removed the "Gear" from ammo boxes so I where not able to check them unfortunately thats a while back and I don't have that one here any more. But like I said that one was removed from those creates. So there must be some way to removed them.

Problem is that the Gear should only be accessed by the owner of the house, as well once I fixed the "Gear" removed thing I'll do the same for the houses to remove the action command to open the door unless you own the house.

Well like I said thanks alot so far.



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