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Switching Particle Effects

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What would be the process for swapping particles effects around in ArmA3.

I want to create a cfg patches to tell the engine to display the bullet/water impact particle effect instead of the blood particle effect when bodies are hit.

Once I have that working I will then change the colour of the effect.

Really going to need some help for people in the know to achieve the initial cfg patches to swap the effects over, so any direction or coding examples would be very much appreciated.



Edited by Bigpickle

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just search BulletBase class then look into

		class HitEffects
		Hit_Foliage_green = "ImpactLeavesGreen";
		Hit_Foliage_Dead = "ImpactLeavesDead";
		Hit_Foliage_Green_big = "ImpactLeavesGreenBig";
		Hit_Foliage_Palm = "ImpactLeavesPalm";
		Hit_Foliage_Pine = "ImpactLeavesPine";
		hitFoliage = "ImpactLeaves";
		hitGlass = "ImpactGlass";
		hitGlassArmored = "ImpactGlassThin";
		hitWood = "ImpactWood";
		hitMetal = "ImpactMetal";
		hitMetalPlate = "ImpactMetal";
		hitBuilding = "ImpactPlaster";
		hitPlastic = "ImpactPlastic";
		hitRubber = "ImpactRubber";
		hitConcrete = "ImpactConcrete";
		hitMan = "ImpactEffectsBlood";
		hitGroundSoft = "ImpactEffectsSmall";
		hitGroundHard = "ImpactEffectsHardGround";
		hitWater = "ImpactEffectsWater";

just replace ImpactEffectsBlood for any another

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Thanks for the reply nikita, i did like below but still got what appeared to be the stock blood, what I'm looking for is that cloud effect.

class CfgPatches
class SpeedOfSoundAlpha_BloodCloud
	units[] = {};
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 0.1;
	requiredAddons[] = {};

class CfgAmmo

   class BulletBase; // External class reference

   class B_65x39_Caseless: BulletBase
       class HitEffects 
       hitman = "ImpactEffectsWater";


Edited by Bigpickle

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probably need something in requiredAddons? things like Ca_Weapons maybe? I say this because I had a kind of similar problem with A2:BAf. I was trying to replace BAF MTP model to something else, but it doesn't work. Then I put in required addons "ca_character_baf" or something like that, it works. Just a speculation

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If i use the required addons, i always get an error saying it requires the addons, like the game isnt detecting the pbo's

Also im beginning to think this area is protected atm in the super class levels.

Edited by Bigpickle

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