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Do not engage unless X or Y possible?

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First off, Hello everyone. I am a FNG, but I am reading as much as I can to learn about mission building. I have played OFP, ArmA, ArmA 2 / OA & now ArmA 3 but never really got into mission building unless it was just to practice very basic stuff & try out basic tactics. I am changing that currently, and simply designing missions for myself currently to get better, then perhaps I will release a few if I think they are up to snuff.

Anyway, to the point. I have a small S&D mission set up currently with a rudimentary ambush and a crude IED style start to the fight. I have my OpFor hidden in a small set of buildings and I want them to not attack until the secondary explosion when the enemy is in close. The issue I am having is that the AI is moving around randomly & will occasionally be spotted before the secondary explosion, causing them to take incoming fire from the attacking force, but not returning fire due to the parameter I have set in the form of a trigger synced to a movement point (the only way I currently know to change their behavior based on a rule).

So I want to know it there is a way to configure their trigger (or even a better way) to change them to fire at will once the Blufor enters the 150m distance, OR they begin taking fire.

Also, while I am at it, is there a way to force them to spawn in a building? That might solve the entire issue if I can make them spawn inside instead of moving them in, because only a portion move in & the rest run about outside.



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If you place a trigger over the the area you OPFOR in and set to OPFOR present

in on act you can have some control of them now.

{_x setbehaviour "safe";dostop _x;} foreach thislist

You can add other commands such as _x setunitpos "middle" to make them kneel

thislist is an array of all units and _x points to each element in the array.

To place units in a building take a look at buildingpos, also when you place a waypoint on a building you should you should see a list of building positions that you can have the units move to.

If there are not enough then you need to find the x,y,z position within the building and use that.

to get the exact position place this in the players init

null=[] spawn {while {true} do { hint str getposatl player;copyToClipboard str getposatl player; sleep 0.1;};} 

and when you find a good spot just press escape.

and paste the result in a setpos .

unitname  setposatl [3512.26,3608.94,0.00143814]

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