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JIP/Respawn confusion

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As far as I understand it, respawns as well as jip should show up at the respawn marker on the map.

I have this in the description.ext

respawn = 3;

respawnDelay = 10;

and a marker named respawn_east on the map. The player is opfor.

When I test this mission out on a live server, the respawns are appearing at the marker, however JIPs are not. They seem to be appearing were their unit is initial placed on the map in the editor.

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Need to see your init.sqf for your mission.

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Units will ALWAYS start where they are initially placed. Joining the server is not considered respawn.

You would have to do that manually.


If someone joins after 1 minute into the mission, he will start at the respawn marker:

if (time > 60) then { player setPosATL (getMarkerPos "respawn_east"); };

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