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Infiltration not working

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Hi guys, i hope i can get help here on my problem.

I try do do an infiltration in the editor, but what i tried is not working.

I have a 4 player group called 'playGroup'

I have an empty helicopter called 'transport1'

and i have a pilot besides that group.

I gave the helicopter 0 fuel and let the pilot enter it.

Now i have a trigger set up with the condition 'playGroup in transport1; hint "test"'

and the activation action 'transport1 setFuel 1'

When i start the pilot boards his chopper and stands around, as i let my group enter the helicopter and enter it myself.... nothing happens, neither the fuel gets up nor the hint is printed....

Have I done something wrong?

Thanks in advance


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Try the following as a condition

{_x in crew transport1} count units playGroup == count units playGroup

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Cool that works!

Thank you very much, was this because of the trigger didn't fire properly?

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Cool that works!

Thank you very much, was this because of the trigger didn't fire properly?

Yep :)

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Oh, i think i encountered a problem...

I want to use this Mission as a Multiplayer Mission, but when not all 4 Groupmembers are used the heli wont start... because we are only 2 guys :(

Is there any possible solution


i googled around a bit more and found an example that does exactly the same, and there it is said that it also works in Multiplayer without out all slots being occupied and with disabled AI.... so... why is it not working for me :(

Edited by Wayan

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I'm sorry, i'm not into MP scripting but try :

{_x in crew transport1} count units playGroup == {isplayer _x} count units playGroup

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Thank you at first, i will try it when i am home :)

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reporting back: works like a charm :)

Thanks very much! :D

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