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Objective as Trigger Condition

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Hey guys, I've been scripting for about a few months now, and, I've created some nice missions myself... My missions often include respawns, objectives, tasks etc. But theres a single line of code I just cant get right :mad:, its really stupid, so Im just gonna ask. I have a mission that I have to clear up a city of zombies and enemy soldiers, so I made two triggers, each one representing the not-presence of OPFOR and Independents(zombies). So they are set to Not Present as condition each. Here are the On Act. codes for each one:

"Zombies" objStatus "DONE"; hint "All zombies are dead again"; 

"Soldiers" objStatus "DONE"; hint "All soldiers have been killed";

In third trigger, I have this as condition:

obj_Zombies && obj_Soldiers;

And this as Act.

"KillEverything" objStatus "DONE"; tskobj_KillEverything setTaskState "SUCCEEDED"; player setCurrentTask tskobj_SUV; SUV lock false;

The thing is, when both objectives are completed, the task doesnt succeed. So Im thinking its a condition problem on the third trigger. I tried removing zombies or soldiers, and setting the Third trigger to do everything(making the condition the not-presence of OPFOR/Independent) and it works perfectly. So could anyone help me here, I know this is a dumb mistake, but IDK whats wrong =s :confused::confused:

BTW here is the Briefing.sqf file codes

//Objective 3

tskobj_extract = player createSimpleTask ["extract."];
tskobj_extract setSimpleTaskDescription ["When done, await for the chopper extract you.","GET TO THA CHOPPA.","GET TO THA CHOPPA."];
tskobj_extract setSimpleTaskDestination (getmarkerpos "extract");

//Objective 2

tskobj_SUV = player createSimpleTask ["Get in SUV."];
tskobj_SUV setSimpleTaskDescription ["When done, get in the SUV.","GET IN SUV.","GET IN SUV."];
tskobj_SUV setSimpleTaskDestination (getmarkerpos "getin");

//Objective 1

tskobj_KillEverything = player createSimpleTask ["KillEverything"];
tskobj_KillEverything setSimpleTaskDescription ["Kill everything that moves.","Eliminate all hostiles.","Eliminate all hostiles"];
tskobj_KillEverything setSimpleTaskDestination (getmarkerpos "here");

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The third trigger is checking for variables that are not set in the on activation fields of the first two.

"Zombies" objStatus "DONE"; hint "All zombies are dead again";

Try instead:

obj_Zombies = true; publicVariable "obj_Zombies"; "Zombies" objStatus "DONE"; hint "All zombies are dead again";

The same goes for the second objective.

"Soldiers" objStatus "DONE"; hint "All soldiers have been killed";

Try instead:

obj_Soldiers = true; publicVariable "obj_Soldiers"; "Soldiers" objStatus "DONE"; hint "All soldiers have been killed";



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